April 2020 Energy Support Video

Dear Lights,

Have Heart and be in the Beauty, Love, Peace, and Grace existing simultaneously with all else. Focus on your internal world, your Sacred Heart. Go within in order to connect and align with the Light of all worlds.

Today, 444, has been a very powerful day. For me, that meant a restoration of clarity and a rebalancing as I opened to be

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February Video Transmission

Enjoy this free February energy support Transmission.  Part of what was brought forward was Heart space expansion, assisting with the grounding of creations and energies in the physical by embodying and aligning in the solar plexus and root chakras, expanding the way we experience vision/how we see things, and infusions from the Peace Ray and the Rose Lines, along with Bright Blessings from vast collectives of Light.

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January 2020 Energy Support Transmission

Light language. We offer here some invocations (which are also activations) so that you may empower yourselves and BE in your own knowingness, making choices from your core Light knowingness for your highest potentials:

I AM the creator of my life.

In this moment, I choose to release any conscious or subconscious resistance to self love.

In this moment, I choose to explore the infinitude of my highest potentials.

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December Eclipse Message

✨Happy holy days to ALL as we move within these powerful portals of potential.

An annular solar eclipse occurs this evening (tomorrow in the parts of the world who will have visibility), which brings a heightened time of reflection, release, and renewal, as well as new streams of activation from the SUN and the Galactic core.  

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Amala RoseComment
December 2019 Energy Support Video & Text Transmission

Dear Ones,

At this time of thanks-giving, we thank you for your willingness to be doing what some of you call Lightwork on the Earth Star at this time.

We, a vast collective of Light Beings and collectives of Light, with the delegates Universal Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Archangel Michael, and the Sirian High Council presiding more prominently, desire to commune with you about this special transition time on the Earth Star.

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November 2019 Energy Support Transmission

Dear ones,

It is we, a vast collective of collectives of Light, overseen in this moment by the Universal Mother and Kuan Yin. The entirety of this post, including any potential sound supplements, is encoded with Light, for you to receive as appropriate to your choosing.

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