July 2019 Energy Support Transmission

We are delighted to be communing with you once more, dear friends. We, Archangel Metatron, along with Archangel Michael, Melchizedek, and the consistent, vast numbers of Light Beings and collectives, are here for you, with the Rose Lines, Kuan Yin’s Pink energy, and the Buddhic energy of Beingness presenting more prominently in order to create a soft landing for all who will take part in this energetic support.

Let us begin for there is much to offer. We are presenting many layers of potentiality here. And while ALL potentiality is present for each of you in every moment, there is a heightened atmosphere here in order to be able to access what you choose in an easier, smoother way. We’re providing many bridges in order to allow for ease of transition from one energetic state to another. Every moment is a transition is it not?

The month of July is a month of both preparation and reckoning. We are noticing that this word has charge to it. It is a reckoning of the self. Who am I? Who am I now? Who am I now? Who am I now? For in every moment, the self is made anew! This is a reckoning in the sense of being open and completely willing to see what truths you have before you, what systems of you are asking to be let go of, what systems of you are asking to be integrated and brought online, so to speak. What are you ready to let go of in terms of identity? For, when one attaches to the storylines of who one is, one limits the possibility and can get caught up in a previous experience, a previous reality which is no longer relevant nor beneficial. We are not saying to end storytelling. Humans love stories, and they are fun ways to explore. Yet be open to a new story in every moment. A new story in every moment. Are you who you were 10 years ago? Are you who you were yesterday? If you’re going to get caught in something, let it be like a beautiful web that the spider weaves anew every time a strand is altered because the wind blew, or because the weight of what was caught stretched the structure. There are so many reasons a web structure is torn or stretched. And it is not a calamity. The spider simply rebuilds and reweaves, perhaps in a new location, perhaps in the same location, yet the web is now NEW. It is the same spider yet all is NEW. It is a simple, dynamic way of living. The weather changes or the number of spiders changes, or the structures it’s using for support are moved or changed, and so the spider simply reweaves a new. ANEW ANEW ANEW ANEW. And it is beautiful every time! It is strong and flexible and adaptable every time something shifts.

There is an opportunity here to open more fully to ALL of your sensory abilities. Like a spider or caterpillar who understands and senses immediately the shifts in weather conditions and so it sets about adapting behaviors and locations accordingly, there is a grand opening here for you to bring ALL of your sensory abilities into a cohesive, synergistic operating system, akin to opening and aligning all of your chakras, yet more expansive to include ALL, to bring ALL sensory abilities to yourself more potently so that you may begin living FULLY, sensing intricacies which you can then respond to accordingly, rather than reacting after something has caught you off guard. And when we say bring these sensory abilities to yourself we simply mean bringing ALL of you back to ALL of you—aligning with the you who knows, the you who sees, the you who hears, the you who feels, the you who senses ALL in multidimensional, multifaceted, limitless ways.

Some of you have a limited belief that you either have only one or two “extra” senses, such as clairvoyance or clairsentience (seeing, knowing), or that you aren’t very intuitive, etc. These beliefs are old structural systems and we’re saying you have the opportunity in every moment (heightened right now) to CHOOSE the NEW systems of you. The systems of you that include ALL sensory abilities. Each of you has ALL abilities already in existence. Yet some of you have not yet chosen these systems of you. It is like if you have 10 sweaters and you keep 2 of them in your closet so you can wear them and keep the other 8 in the garage in a tub, under a bunch of boxes, covered with a tarp. Go get the other 8 sweaters! They’re already yours! Once you have all 10 sweaters in your closet instead of another location, you have direct access to ALL of them. You can wear them whenever you like. That isn’t a perfect example yet you get what we are saying. You already have all 10 sweaters. You already have ALL of your sensory abilities. Choose them, bring them closer, wear them, get to know how they feel. You may begin to notice one sensory system such as inner vision becoming more heightened than the others initially, or perhaps a knowingness that isn’t explainable. One of your senses may become more heightened than the others initially. That’s okay! It’s an opportunity to explore and cultivate a relationship with each sensory system. It may unfold over so called time or it may come back to you all at once. Each experience is okay. But let us be clear: ALL sensory systems are available to ALL. We are saying a lot of words here yet ALL of the energetic support is present in every word and every space to help you in this process, which is always a process of choosing you. A process of coming home to yourself. A process of living fully in the Light of you.

And so we return to the word reckoning. It is simply a scanning and observational inventory taking of the self. Where am I? Who am I NOW? How many sweaters do I have? How many sensory systems am I using? Am I operating fully within my capacity?

What is my capacity? Am I in alignment with my true capacity (IT IS LIMITLESS)? Am I choosing to allow the dance that occurs in all systems of my Beingness whenever there are shifts or changes or expansions? This natural state of Being is often resisted. It can become easier, smoother, more comfortable. It’s a simple noticing of oh, this shifted so I’ll reweave this structure. This is not a perfect example because it implies that it always requires conscious doing and acting, when truly the only act we’re speaking of in this moment is that of allowing. Allowing the very easy, NATURAL exchange in every moment of ALL sensory input to AUTOMATICALLY shift and dance in new ways that are more conducive and expansive as you expand in consciousness. Think of how very many things happen daily in your experience. Every time you allow for the dynamic dance, it is simply a realigning, bringing you back to you, allowing the particles of you to rearrange in new dances in every moment. There is energetic support here for you to not only access in easier ways ALL that is available in this potent portal time of Solstice and Eclipse gateways, but the energetic support for re-aligning your unique systems, your unique Wholeness Field, your unique self in ALL aspects of you.

The total solar eclipse is a planetary event which coincides with this self reckoning we speak of. The Light is eclipsed and then returns in a NEW way. It is the same sun, it is the same Earth Star, the same planets are in the solar system, yet there will be more heightened opportunities to see and to feel all that is you NOW, all that is in your universe NOW, all of the alignments that are happening and possible NOW. The systems, beliefs, conditioning—ALL of the things one is holding that are no longer relevant nor beneficial, can be returned, can be let go of, can be allowed to move into NEW patterns, NEW pathways, NEW. This allowance and alignment with ALL of the senses and ALL of the highest possibilities IS the preparation for more Light expansion—the expansion of you, the Light of you. That seems overly simplistic yet the allowance for dynamic change in every moment is frequently the hardest part. And let us be clear: these gateways are not the only opportunities. The opportunity for accessing ALL THAT IS, and ALL THAT YOU ARE (they are ONE), is in every moment. Yet it is easier to access and more potently available NOW, if you choose. And even if you don’t choose ALL of you in this moment, there are parts of you, parts of your systems which are reorganizing and remembering and dancing in new ways already, preparing for the next phase of choosing. There is always choosing happening in every moment, simply not always in a conscious brain realizing sort of way. The brain is such an integral part of living fully on the Earth Star, and assists in so many ways, yet is not ALL that there is. ALL of you is an information system—your cells, bones, brain, Heart, chakras, emotions,...—both receiving and sharing information in every moment. Allowing for ALL of your senses in ALL parts of you to be open and functioning well in alignment with ALL THAT IS, is allowance for self acceptance, self love, and self trust.

If you feel called, participating in the viewing of the eclipse transit, either in person or online, while engaging in the allowing for a self reckoning—an inventory of what is and an allowance for NEW movement, NEW particle exchanges and formations—can be a potent, conscious exchange. But it is not necessary. The entire month of July is ripe for allowing, for seeing what is and for knowing what is NOW possible.

As always, a Light language support audio will accompany this text. Any time you observe resistance (doubt, fear) to your Selfhood, to the beauty and perfection and alignment of you, to the ALLNESS of you, this may be re-read and re-listened to. For even well after the gateway planetary events of the solstice and eclipse have passed, the energetic support and information is ALL continually and dynamically right here, in every NOW moment.

We honor you and your willingness to BE ALL THAT YOU ARE. Thank you for your service to humanity. For when you choose you, you choose and support ALL.

May the container that is structured as the month of July be Brightly Blessed in Beauty, and may your path home to yourself be in Joy. Every breath is a return. We support and love you always and in ALL WAYS,

A vast team of Light support, in conjunction with your Higher Self and your guides, as telepathically received and transmitted by Amala (aka Lois)

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Amala Rose