June 2019 Energy Support Transmission

Dear Ones,

We delight in communing with you during this great expansionary (evolutionary + expansion) time.  As you expand in conscious awareness, so do we.  We are here to support you in the ways in which we are able, desiring to assist with what at times can feel like great upheaval.

We, the White Lion Beings of Sirius, the Venus Light Beings of Light, the Arcturian Dragons of Balance, the Andromedan Healing Quadra, the Blue Star rays (All), the entirety of the Rose Lines, along with numerous other supporting collectives and individual Beings of Light, with prominent energetic space being held by the Palace of the Hathors, Yeshua, Universal Mother Mary in Star Line formation, Mary Magdalena, Isis, White Buffalo Woman, White Tara, Buddha, Amma in consciousness form, Archangel Michael and the Golden Legions of Truth, Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron, Saint Germain, the Universal Rays of Light in dynamic Union, Quan Yin, Inner Earth representatives, and many more, are here to offer what we hold in service to your expansion.

In the space of what is experienced as the month of June 2019, leading up to the summer solstice, great shifts (collectively, individually, and multidimensionally) are occurring.  This strong transformational phase can feel unsettling and at times alarming.  We are presenting much supportive energy here for you to access in order to exist within your transformation with as much sense of ease and support as possible while in human form.

Great change, as you are aware, can at times create sensations of anxiety or fear or an off-kilter-ness in the body, mind, and emotions.  We are providing a space for you to re-collect yourself.  Literally, re-collecting ALL of you.  For, as one expands in great accelerated ways, it can feel as if all parts of you become scattered and thrown about for lack of better terms.  This is sometimes necessary in order to re-order and re-collect oneself in Wholeness.  

It is a bit like having a puzzle and the pieces occasionally change  shape.  If the pieces have changed shape but one is attempting to put the puzzle together in the same way it was before, it will never work.  It is like, if you can imagine, that once some of the pieces changed shape, if you were to put all of the puzzle pieces into a spinning, moving, magic puzzle cylinder then the cylinder would know exactly how all of the pieces of the puzzle need to be adjusted in shape so they will all fit together smoothly again.  So, if you notice that some pieces to the puzzle have changed shape and no longer fit with the rest of the puzzle pieces, and so you scoop all of the pieces—those that have changed and those that haven’t yet—and toss them into this magic puzzle cylinder, which automatically knows how to adjust all of the pieces so they fit together smoothly once more, you allow it to do the work, knowing that when you reopen the magic cylinder, all of the puzzle pieces will fit together easily again in Wholeness.  It is like that.  Your evolutionary expansion is like that.  As you expand in awareness, many things change and some things don’t seem fitting anymore and all must be adjusted and realigned.  There is a shaking up once in a while in order for all of your systems to adjust and re-collect inside the Magic Wholeness cylinder that you are.  

It is a simple awareness of when you are feeling scattered and thrown about, bringing all of you back to all of you, and allowing all systems to adjust and re-collect.We realize there may be a more practical example here…yet, if you choose, we are now providing the energetic Light support, the magic cylinder (that you are) so to speak, here for you to rest within while reading.  Additionally, you can access these energies easily with the accompanying Light language and crystal bowl supplemental audio transmission.

There is no need to fear.  For some of you may not notice any chaotic-seeming re-structuring of life, yet re-structuring is occurring in every moment for all of us.  Great change is afoot.  There are times of great expansion and re-structuring and re-organizing and re-collecting which, on the surface of things, can feel and appear to be unstable and chaos driven.  June is such a month.  It is one of intensity, whereby the polarity of what feels “good” and what feels “bad” may be quite heightened, whereby the sensations of opposites or opposition may rise to the surface for exploration, yet we are here in great numbers in order to ensure you that it’s okay.  It’s really okay.  For even when things appear to be unstable and shaken up, there is ALLNESS, there is the Oneness of God/ ALL THAT IS, which is also always in a state of expansion.  This support is always present.  For there is no true polarity or opposite anything.  There is Oneness, within which ALL either expands or contracts.  Like breathing in and out, both expansion and contraction are necessary for life to not only exist but to expand in conscious awareness.  And, like on the Earth Star when there is great shifting of land plates, when the land both expands and contracts in heightened or accelerated ways, sometimes extreme events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.  It is simply an exhalation of the powerful breath created from the energetic forces of expansion and contraction occurring at the same time.  There is an energetic law and a necessary exhalation in order to get to the next state of re-collection and whole integration in order to continue expanding.  This example and explanation may feel both abstract and impersonal, as if ALL THAT IS does not have compassion.  This is not so.  Compassion exists as does anger and resentment, all of which are One in Wholeness.  But know this: Limitless Love IS the main stream of consciousness fueling the expansion.

We are presenting one more simple example here. At this time of evolutionary expansion, there will necessarily be times when all comes apart in order to be brought back into Divine Wholeness.  It is a bit humorous to use the example of a closet cleaning in relation to Divine order, yet it is a simple example.  At times, one pulls everything out of a closet, dumping it on the bed and floor and dresser and chair, etc., depending on how much excess or how much change one has gone through continually, in order to see what is there, reassess, decide what one still loves and what one is ready to let go of, and then a separation (re-ordering) of those things happens.  Then perhaps a wiping or dusting or vacuuming of the closet space, then what is being kept is put back into the closet neatly, nicely re-organized.  For it won’t go back to how it was before because items have been removed and you’ve formed a new relationship with the items you’ve decided to keep because they’re still useful or they still bring you joy, and so you’re choosing them once more.  The reorganization also creates space because some items are now gone and all is now less cluttered and tidier, so there is more space for expansion, more space for new.  Or, simply more space for you.  More space for you.  More space for you.  It feels better now.  Once you take what you’re letting go of somewhere it can be of use to others, once all you’re keeping is put back in the closet in a neat way, it feels so good!  You enjoy being in your closet because it feels better.  Everything is realigned, and there is new space, a sense of openness and possibility.  It feels fresh, it feels good.

This is the nature of many changes and expansion.  There’s a bit of shaking up, a bit of chaos, then, because of the shake-up things are able to be reorganized and expanded in new ways.  We hope this simple example is helpful.  For truly, all is expanding in magnificent, beautiful ways even while seeming hardship is occurring at the same time.  It is all One. 

Know this: 1) ALL potentials exist in every moment. 2) We are here in every moment supporting and assisting in all ways possible. 3) You are one with ALL THAT IS, and can live within your core column of Light, your Heart Star space, your ALL-ness, entraining consistently with the Wholeness of you, with ALL THAT IS/God in every moment you desire.  See the truth within you.  Within you.  Within you.

The stars are now aligned in newness, in conjunction with all that we seek, which is harmony, peace, love, balance, cooperation, and abundant Beingness in the Unity of ALL THAT IS.

An audio accompaniment will be included which will offer support for all of your systems and all levels of your Beingness.  It may be re-listened to as often as you choose in order to provide support and comfort when and if things feel as if they are scrambled, in dis-array, or chaotic.  Or simply for pleasure.  It is a Field of Balanced Integration held in great expanses of Limitless Love with the ability to access the knowingness of you, the knowingness that you are One with ALL THAT IS.  You are always able to re-collect and re-align and re-member who you are: a Light in human form, exploring and adventuring through lived physical experience, a true gift.  Re-member that you are One with ALL THAT IS and as such YOU have the ability, without seeking teachers, gurus or other intermediary agents, to access and align or re-align with ALL of you, which is naturally balanced, naturally whole, naturally Light expanding.  Yet we are here when you desire companionship and assistance as you make your way home to yourself.

We honor you and we support you always and in all ways.  We are appreciating the cooperative sharing, transmitting, and personal growth you exhibit.  You are brave and honorable.  In completion in this moment, your companions on the journey of evolutionary expansion.  May every step be blessed.  A-HO.

Amala Rose