January 2020 Energy Support Transmission
Dear Ones,
We are present in large numbers, offering much energetic support here for each of you for the month of January, 2020. In particular, with great emphasis, offering great support and offerings for whatever evolutionary stage you’re in to be able to access your highest potentials so that you may choose these highest potentials, Light grids, and timelines for your greatest evolutionary leap in awareness and advancement in a comfortable way.
Imagine illuminated sacred geometry moving and dancing in the space all around you. Imagine what the language of Light (information streaming in non-linear ways in the form of sound) would look like if it had visual form and moved, because it does. It does! In lieu of a video at this time, Amala will provide “drawings” of the language of Light for you, along with a short audio, both of which, along with this text, hold an abundance of Light codes and information and supportive energies and frequencies for you to access. We are urging you to also trust whatever imagery and expressions you receive as the language of Light, for each individual has unique essence of Beingness, and however you express, visualize, move, tone, etc the language of Light is equally beautiful.
In every moment, there are choices and yet NOW, particularly with some of you choosing and preparing for embodiment, the choices may become either clearer and easier or more complicated, depending on many factors. Embodiment is the ability to hold and sustain in your human form specific consciousness streams and Light. There is a process of choosing to align to, activate, and illuminate ALL available DNA strands, choosing to live multidimensionally and to BE All That Is in human form, choosing to BE the divinity that has traditionally been sought outside of oneself, choosing to do the work necessary in order to be able to comfortably hold, sustain, vibrate, and BE the frequency of limitless Love, to BE Christ consciousness, choosing to BE Diamond Light, choosing to BE a Creator of the New Earth. First one chooses, either consciously or subconsciously, then teachers, activators, and transmitters of these frequencies, Light, and consciousness streams such as Amala appear to assist. Each person then assists the next…
This is a process, whereby waves of humans choose and go through these processes at different times so that the first wave can activate, seed, assist, and help to guide the second wave and so on so that people who are actively choosing to move toward love and conscious evolutionary expansion (ascension), and away from a fear-based life have support in human form. We are always here to assist and yet having human guides and supporters is highly beneficial. There are many guides to choose from now so that you may select those with whom you resonate. It is a magnificent time of immense potentiality.
Let us get back to the practical energetic offerings rather than spending much time on teaching. For each is on their own path, either consciously or unconsciously doing all of this (or devolving, which is also a choice) and so teaching could take much space.
The first half of January, 2020 brings new galactic/cosmic codes and potentials for those who have chosen expansion in this way, awakening to their unique remembrances. Because these new levels of codes and activations are now here for you, there may be heightened choice points that show up in your physical life. Becoming very aware of every decision and what that decision FEELS like is a great practice for now. Does this choice/decision feel expansive or contracted, does this choice/decision feel like I’m following joy, passion, and love, or does it feel like I’m doing this because I’m scared of some outcome, or scared of the unknown, or because I’m in a habit pattern of outdated ways? This is good practice anytime, yet those on an accelerated path to embodiment (there is no hierarchy here for this is not an easy path and is not for everyone) will be not only choosing timelines, Light grids, and new, new, new streams of potentials, but the choices may feel complicated or sad because to choose one thing sometimes means one must let go of another thing, to release it in neutrality and Love. We understand this can bring up some fears. There is support here for releasing those fears back to All That Is.
The key to more comfort with this process is to make choices from a space of self love, from a space of expansiveness, and from a space of deep, consistent connection with one’s core line/field of Light. Then it becomes simpler, smoother, with times of bliss and recognition. If you are a person who, in this life, has not ever experienced true self love or expansiveness or deep connection with your core of Light, begin there. Begin exactly where you are, knowing that exactly where you are is perfect. You are already home.
We offer here some invocations (which are also activations) so that you may empower yourselves and BE in your own knowingness, making choices from your core Light knowingness for your highest potentials:
I AM the creator of my life.
In this moment, I choose to release any conscious or subconscious resistance to self love.
In this moment, I choose to explore the infinitude of my highest potentials.
In this moment, I choose to activate all of the highest potentials that I have in my body.
In this moment, I choose to activate all of the highest potentials in all systems, levels, and dimensional expressions of me throughout all time and space and all dimensional realities.
In this moment, I choose to align with my highest potential Light grids, which are available to me now.
In this moment, I choose to BE in the line and field of Light that I AM.
In this moment and every moment hereafter, I choose to choose the highest potentials for myself at every choice point.
In this moment, I choose to align with, activate, and illuminate ALL of my DNA, knowing that as I do so I AM activating all of my highest potentials for this life, all done within the comfort levels unique to me at this time.
In this moment, I emphatically declare that I AM a sovereign, autonomous Light in human form and that I AM the creator of my life and that I AM choosing the highest potentials available in every moment. I AM a new creationist. I AM a powerful creationist.
I AM one with All That Is.
And so it is. It is done. It is so.
Brightest Blessings, dear ones as you continue to journey home to the expansiveness that you are, to the Love that you are, and as you shine your radiant, Sacred Hearts, amplifying the Love of creation as you emit the frequencies of highest potentials together, collectively as a family of Light on the Earth Star. We love and support you always and in ALL WAYS. May you walk in peace and prosper in the Light of your creations. ✨
Language of Light 2020 Amala Rose www.amalaalchemy@icloud.com
Language of Light for the first and second halves of January 2020 Amala Rose www.amalaalchemy.com
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