November 2019 Energy Support Transmission

Dear ones,

It is we, a vast collective of collectives of Light, overseen in this moment by the Universal Mother and Kuan Yin. The entirety of this post, including any potential sound supplements, is encoded with Light, for you to receive as appropriate to your choosing.

As we enter the 11 month on the calendar, it is an inward time, one of going between the two parallel lines of the 11 to the center, viewing all from the portal of you, that internal core space of you who KNOWS.

November is a time for gathering. While many think of gathering as a community, with family, etc., we are speaking of a different kind of gathering. We are speaking of gathering all parts of you, all of the ways of knowing and sensing of you, all Light that you are, and bringing all of it—ALL of you—back home to yourself, condensed, aligned, and in constant communication with your central channel, your core column of Light, that which some call the pranic tube, which connects you to the Earth Star and the “heavens” “above”, gathering and merging your core Light, in the center of your humanness. In the center of your humanness. In the center of your humanness, embodied.

Humanity as a collective and personal experience can be quite messy, and also quite beautiful. We are in awe of your abilities as you remember who you really are, divine Light in human form. We honor your continual expansions in consciousness and in capacity. While we understand that your capacities are limitless, experiences on Earth don’t always feel that way. We honor you.

There are many completions and so called releases that are occurring in the human collective experiences in order to allow for more Light and more potentials. These experiences can at times be unpleasant while holding equal space for renewal and expansion. It is like those wooden shoe stretchers one puts in a new pair of shoes and cranks open in order to stretch them so that they will fit one’s feet in a very comfortable way, without blisters or pinching or pressure. Yet to get the new shoes to a place of easy, sustained comfort, some pressure in expansion is necessary. There may be a more accurate example, yet you understand what we are getting at.

There can be pressure at times and it can be easy to fall into the belief programs and paradigms that say life is hard and circumstances are such and such, believing that any sensation of pressure or temporary perceived difficulty is horrible, yet all the while YOU ARE CREATING A DIAMOND with the temporary pressure. YOU ARE CREATING A DIAMOND! Many diamonds. A DIAMOND MATRIX. It requires great pressure to create diamonds. Are we saying that challenge and pressure is always necessary in order to expand into DIAMOND Light? Absolutely not. We are simply providing an example which may be beneficial to envision when things are feeling a bit pressurized temporarily. It is a sign of growth. A sign of the potential for growth. You can be One with the Diamond Light in an instant, or it may take many phases of pressure and Light and expansion in steps as you ascend in conscious evolution.

We got a bit off track as we gave an example and brought forward the Diamond Consciousness as well as all energetic support one might find useful as one expands in Light while in an embodied state. It is a magnificent process to observe and an honor to assist!

We are bringing focused awareness back to the notion of gathering. When one gathers seeds (let’s use sunflower seeds as an example), one gathers them with the intention of eating them or perhaps planting them in order to expand the Field of SUNflowers. It is a bright and joyous activity. It is EASY as one scans the landscape for SUNflowers, which are easily spotted, and for the seeds, which are plentiful and simple to find. One can gather so much in order to expand the Field. You may be noticing our play with words here, which we do enjoy.

For it does not need to be complicated, and all humans can do it. The brain doesn’t need to understand right now. Your Heart center KNOWS how to locate and gather and bring home ALL parts of you, including the parts of you that KNOW, the parts of you that remember ALL of your gifts and ways of sensing and knowing. It is time to gather ALL of the SUNflower seeds you can find and bring them home to plant and expand the Field which is already in existence.

There are many Fields. In this moment, it can refer to several spaces, and yet we are bringing focused awareness to the Field of resonance that is your Heart space. The Field is ripe and can be expanded with bountiful Light now, at your pace, with your desire, and always supported within a Field of limitless, unconditional Love. We are providing rich support here and Infinite Bright Blessings for the gathering of you, as you sense and bring home to your Heart the expanding Field of Light that you are.

Infinite Bright Blessings of Abundance this month of November. We Love and support you always and in ALL WAYS,

Collectives of Light in service to humanity and the proliferation of Love

All consciously channeled material copyright Amala 2019. You are welcome to share if you keep the Transmission in its entirety, link to this site, and attribute it to Amala Rose. Thank you.

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