December 2019 Energy Support Video & Text Transmission
Dear Lights,
Below are two special Transmissions (text as well as a video with Light language) with much detail and MUCH energetic support for our transition into 2020. More than ever is being offered here for free. I gently encourage multiple read throughs or video watching/listening, as each time you access the Transmissions and activations, new information and new levels are possible.
Have a beautiful December!
From my Heart Star space to yours,
Dear Ones,
At this time of thanks-giving, we thank you for your willingness to be doing what some of you call Lightwork on the Earth Star at this time.
We, a vast collective of Light Beings and collectives of Light, with the delegates Universal Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Archangel Michael, and the Sirian High Council presiding more prominently, desire to commune with you about this special transition time on the Earth Star.
As many of you are already feeling strongly, this is a potent time when large numbers of humans are beginning to awaken. And by awaken, we mean that they are beginning to REMEMBER that there is more, that they are more, and that we are Source Light in different forms.
Amala has an aversion to titles, labels, and hierarchal structures and language, yet we desire to discuss how some of you are what other conscious Earth leaders have coined “embodiers” meaning that you are among the first humans currently incarnated (the first wave) who are now fully embodied or who are beginning to EMBODY the Light, Christ Consciousness, and Diamond Consciousness now available to all. The embodiment process cannot be rushed. Indeed, few of these processes can be rushed, as there is a natural phase order depending on a plethora of factors and conditions. Every stage in this process is beautiful (from our standpoint). Previously, only those whom you call ascended masters such as Yeshua (Jesus), Buddha, and other living Light Beings were able to EMBODY these consciousness levels. Let us be clear: there has always been the potential and the capacity for this grand evolution. Yet all who are assisting and watching your conscious evolutionary expansion are surprised and overjoyed at the developments and achievements, which have surpassed what had been expected as possible at this time. What you as a HUMAN, LIVING collective of Light are doing is spectacular!!
There is much we want to communicate and we understand there is a time and energy container for Amala to do this, therefore we are encoding this Transmission with copious amounts of information, Light, code, and support.
No matter what stage of evolutionary expansion you are currently in, your actions, your practice, your desire, your vibrational state is all vital to the entirety of conscious evolution. Each one of you and all thoughts, feelings, actions, and energetic states of resonance is an important contributor and creator of realities. We are delivering a tremendous amount of support, Light, and code here for everyone who chooses to access it, while at the same time, communing directly with those who are embodying FULLY (or are beginning to) the consciousnesses and Light of All That Is. For ALL that you are and ALL that you do assists ALL. It is time to CREATE that which has been in other forms. It is time to CREATE. It is time to CREATE. There are tremendous shifts happening, and even greater shifts (enormous) are a strong potentiality (we are not in the habit of telling the future, for all time is now and all potentials exist in every moment YET the trajectory you have all created TOGETHER as you vibrate at higher and higher frequencies, as you hold more and more Light, and as you open and expand more and more of your Heart spaces, and as you unfold, unlock, and LIGHT UP all of the information encoded in your DNA, you have created wondrous, beautiful potentials).
A natural falling away and dissolving of old structures, paradigms, and programming has already occurred as you have chosen to live in and from Love. We are stating now that it is time to place the entirety of your focused awareness on the potentials that exist within FREEDOM, on the potentials that exist within UNCONDITIONAL, LIMITLESS LOVE, on the potentials that exist within the EXPANSIVENESS OF ALL THAT IS. YOU are building the physical reality NOW.
Those who have not yet consciously chosen to live multidimensionally (accessing higher dimensional frequencies and spaces) can do so NOW. Those who have not yet accessed dimensional knowingness beyond the astral planes can do so NOW. Those who have not yet started the unfolding, opening, and expanding of their Heart Star space can do so NOW. ALL is available to you in every moment, no matter how things appear to be on Earth.
Let us be blunt here for a moment: there is purposeful, heightened distraction and programming which is sweeping huge amounts of the human population into undesirable states of being. It is of course a choice yet if one is not yet aware that other realities and potentials exist, then it is easy to become swept up in the hubbub. The ways of doing things between the holiday set points of Thanks-giving and Christmas are programmed and habitual collective actions. Many of you are already LONGING for the peace, meaning, and Love you know to be real yet do not experience as you participate in the ways you have always done. We offer a simple suggestion as you traverse this passage: Ask your HEART: Is my Truth here in this activity? It is sort of a trick question, as your Truth is always with you. So, perhaps a better question is this: Does my Truth, does my HEART feel expanded by participating (in whatever the activity is)?
We desire to discuss new set points this year! The dates of 12-12 AND 12-21 are potent dates to access your inner knowingness, the “gifts” that are within you desiring expression and expansion, and are potent dates for CREATING the “New Earth” CREATIONS that are possible. Imagine the world living peacefully, harmoniously, balanced, … a perfect INFINITY OF CREATION. AN INFINITY OF CREATION. AN INFINITY OF CREATION! AN INFINITY OF CREATION! For each of you creates in every moment., yet as you hold more and more Light, as you activate more and more of who you truly are, as you REMEMBER YOUR DIVINITY, then more and more is possible! The collective consciousness is expanding and your Light communities will be and in fact ARE CREATIONISTS. TOGETHER, the potentials are even more expansive.
We are desiring to encourage you to BE with one another in Light community in whatever ways you are called or resonate with, and in whatever ways bring joy. The New Earth creations are physicalized by being in touch in person. We are not saying that distance and energetic work is less potent or tangibly substantial. Indeed it is often more so. What we are saying is that coming together in person for the purposeful intention and conscious creation of New Earth creations is the way to physicalize these CREATION energies. We are all creating in every moment, yet if one person holds one end of a 2x4 in one city and expects another person who lives in a different city to hold the other end of the 2x4 in order to build something, it’s not going to work. Both people need to be in the same place, in physical proximity with one another, in order to build something structurally sound and physicalized in one set location. We are asking you to consider the same approach when CREATING New Earth creations. For, there is much already built in energetic form. Many of you are aware of this and have indeed been powerful architects in that way. Yet, there is now a newness of how to CREATE and begin BUILDING in the physical what is in the energetic forms, much like how an artist brings ideas, feelings, and realities into form—it requires physicality and close proximity with the tools. In this instance, YOU are the tools. And by coming together in the physical and sharing resources and tools, by being in close proximity with one another so that the particles and potentials can BE together in a physically heightened way, you can begin building in an easier way.
Let us give you an example. Say that two soul friends in one part of the city are talking about creating a healing center or retreat, and two other soul friends are communicating about the same ideas in another part of the city. All four people are excited about the potentials and the way it would feel to create and live within this beautiful healing center or retreat. The vibrations and frequencies to support this creation are present but not actualized. Now imagine that the four people came together in person to talk about the creation of a healing center or retreat. (The creation can be ANYTHING. This is a simple example.) Beyond talking about it (which, when in joy and excitement, raises the frequencies), the four soul friends set intentions for how and what they want this healing center/retreat to look, feel, and function like. By being in person as a group, holding the specifics of this vision together in heightened frequencies with the CONSCIOUS AWARENESS that in this moment together they are CREATING this reality, then the physicalized reality is more present.
The potentials already exist. The Light grids to support these New Earth creations are already in existence. Now it is time to begin bringing the higher consciousness potentials to the physical. It is a beautiful time of creation. We see many of you already doing this as you combine your gifts and talents, as you pool resources, as you heal together and expand together in community, knowing that we are all sharing no matter what stage of expansion we are in. It is beautiful!! For this is not about business building, though that can be a wonderful counterpart creation. We are bringing to heightened focus awareness the knowingness that as you gather (in person or online), create together, share, heal, and provide higher consciousness services and work (for you are creating in every moment no matter what it is that you are doing) YOU ARE CREATING THE NEW GOLDEN WAY OF EARTH. As you consider the equality and unconditionally Loving services, offerings, work, and Light community activities, YOU ARE CREATING THE NEW GOLDEN WAY OF EARTH. The way of peace. The way of harmony. The way of beauty. The way of Love. The way of equality. The way of honoring the Divinity of ALL. We are simply gently asking you to BE in your HEART and to be consciously living in every moment with the knowingness that no matter what you are doing, there is a choice and an option of choosing the highest potentials available in that moment.
You are a creator being in human form. December is like the circle that meets itself. It is time for you to reclaim your power!
Should you desire individualized assistance according to exactly where you’re at in your evolutionary process, Amala, (as well as we), is happy to serve in this way, within the context of a private session. We will also be offering a group Light Communion this month, on the Solstice (the potent 12-21), for those who want to gather together in community online to expand, heal, and co-create. As usual, the Sound Field is also a powerful gathering container for in person group healing potentials. With all that said, should you be drawn to other activities instead, we encourage you to consciously create in whatever ways are most resonant for you in this moment.
We are delighted and overjoyed and in deep honoring of you as you expand and create possibilities and realities together that are now achievable in ways that haven’t been possible before. Be fully the Creator Beings that you are.
With great respect, Love, and support for you always and in ALL ways, your faithful companions in Light
If you’ve felt supported by our Energy Support Transmissions or other work and would like to leave a Love donation,
which would be greatly appreciated, you may do so here:
Infinity symbols in the clouds.