May 2019 Energy Support Transmission

What follows is a channeled Light Transmission text as well as a Light language and alchemy crystal bowl audio to support us in the month of May, 2019, or whenever you find yourself here. For it is never too late, and time and space are human constructs.

You are welcome to share text. I ask that you kindly keep the entire Light Transmission intact and in original form, with the URL/link to this page/my site and do not re-post audio without permission.

May you find support here and may your journey be one with infinite Bright Blessings,

Amala 💖✨🌹💠

Dear Ones,

We, a very expansive group of Light Beings along with specific Star Families, with Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Universal Mother Mary, Quan Yin, and an Inner Earth Council of Elders more prominently representing in this transmission, are delighted to be in communion with you once more.

We are desiring to communicate about the heightened energies of May, a month with the number 5, which is the number in the center from which all other numbers radiate. It is symbolic of the Heart Star Space, a space within which all harmony and balance may be found. We realize this is feeling a bit abstracted for some. Let us focus awareness on the notions of balance, harmony, and stability. For when one’s center is balanced, there is no teeter tottering, no falling out of alignment so to speak, no extremes one way or another way.

May is typically considered a spring time month with lushness, a feeling of new beginnings, and much outward activity. In this calendar year, located within a space of no time and space, the collective energies streaming forth and more readily accessible to all in this moment, in this month of May, are those of an internal nature.

The energies present for all are those with a sensation of coming home to oneself, of being in one’s own stable center and building that sense of stability from within. Building stability from within. Building stability from within. Building stability from within. While many things will be calling attention outwardly in this month, it is a potent time to go within, to BE with one’s self fully, and to feel and continue building and expanding from one’s own NATURAL state of balance, harmony, and security.

For those reading who do not feel they understand what it is we are communicating, having not yet experienced Being in their center, in their Crystalline Heart Star space, which is the space from which ALL is sustained, know that we are holding you in a field of resonance throughout this text (should you choose) which will allow for more fluidity of feeling, more possibility to experience for oneself what it is we are speaking of.

For, even if one has not personally known any moments of wholeness and expansion, nor peace and harmony from one’s Heart Star Space, it does not make it less true that this is the space of all balance. The frequencies required for opening to this abundance are held here for each of you, for all who desire to Be and to live from their center, balanced core space, EVEN if one does not intellectually or experientially know how to do this yet, the Field is full of all that is necessary. Simply breathe and remain open to ALL THAT YOU ARE while reading.

May is a time of condensed, power packed energies of secure harmony and balance, which, once one has connected with their own center, can be distributed/radiated outward into manifested physical spheres of activity and fluid flow (infinity symbol) along resource connector points. Like cities on a map connected by roads and highways, each of you holds a center within you and so each of you are connector points able to hold and distribute Light goods to any other, both sharing and traveling to and from one another. You are also available to be present for those who are not

yet holding, condensing, expanding, and radiating from their center which is connected to all other centers in all other consciously evolving dimensional spaces/times/realities. We understand we are getting a bit complex and/or abstract with word formations again. Yet the focused awareness is on the imagining of grids like hubs all connected and continually expanding.

And the MAIN FOCUSED AWARENESS is on the center that is YOU—your Crystalline Heart Star Space, which is desiring for you to reside more consistently, more fully, more wholly, within during this fertile month of May. FOR IT IS CONSISTENT BEINGNESS WITHIN YOUR SACRED HEART SPACE WHICH CREATES FERTILE SOIL, THE CONDENSED ENERGY, THE STABLE, BALANCED, HARMONIOUS SECURE SPACE FROM WHICH TO BUILD ALL ELSE. For just as farmers prepare the soil, enriching the land prior to planting seeds and nurturing the crops, one must spend time with the landscape of the Heart Star space. It is a

fertile, abundant space for All CREATION of ALL THINGS, not solely for human emotions regarding human love. It is so much more. It is you as you are when in full fluid openness and equal sharing with what you call God/Goddess/Source/Universe/Nature, etc. It is you as you are in your wholeness, in your fullness.

It is a beautiful month with many streaming, overflowing energies supporting the ability to meet yourselves within your radiant, fertile landscapes of the Heart, BEING in this space fully, which will NATURALLY condense the beautiful, balanced, stable, harmonious, secure Heart Field of you which you operate from in every moment. In every moment. In every moment.

Yet it begins with a Being within one’s self in a more introverted month, which may feel odd considering how externally active the month of May typically is. Yet we are gently suggesting an occasional checking in with one’s self in order to discern what it is that your systems are asking for. What it is that your systems are desiring in every moment. A simple occasional personal question such as “Are my systems asking me for more internal/introspective time”? “Are my systems asking me to bring energies into my Heart Star Space in order to condense and redistribute Love in new ways”?

This is a heightened, ripe Field of potentiality. Meet yourself wherever you are. Revel in your abilities, in your magnitude, in your infinite Light. With this, we offer copious blessings as you enter the calendar month of May, a time of fertile potency, a time of rich cultivation within one’s own Sacred Heart. We honor you, we support you, we love you always and in ALL WAYS.

A Light language and Crystal Bowl audio transmission will accompany this text in order to assist with all that is being held, all that is being asked for, all that is desiring easy access to the frequencies one is calling forth. Each time you listen, a new layer or new awareness may arise/may be accessed for we are ALL continually expanding in dynamic reciprocity.

We thank you for your part in this co-created sharing,

An expansive collective of Light Beings as channeled by Amala, who is reverent, full of gratitude, and who takes all responsibility for any typos. May you find the blessings you seek within your own Heart.

Amala Rose