I offer multidimensional energy healing, ascension guidance, somatic arts therapy, and mentoring for sustained and embodied transformation both in person and on Zoom. By working energetically with all systems of self—mental body, physical body, emotional landscape, and energetic body, incorporating somatic therapy processes, while reconnecting coherence, flow, and stability of all systems in new ways, clients are held in the connection spaces in Oneness and Crystalline Consciousness, where true transformation can occur.

You’ll be supported and empowered in the healing process, which includes becoming aware of, connecting with, and trusting one’s own inner wisdom and the infinite intelligence of the body, mind, and spirit in coherence. As a clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant Light Weaver and conduit, I work with the energetic architecture (Light Body) and how that interrelates with the physical body and other systems, including the nervous system, which informs and supports the innate healing potentials of the individual.