September Energy Support Transmission

Dear ones,

We, vast collectives of Light here to support your human journeys home to yourselves as you expand in conscious evolution, are overjoyed to be with you in this way once more, as we delight in the great expansions taking place and the potentials for ever more conscious expansion in every moment, with particular focused awareness on the space perceived as the month of September, which is bringing forward remembrance of your month of May—the 5 month, the month of Heart, the hub and center for all paths. And the month of September is the 9 month, the space of harvest, when all that one has cultivated up to this point may be embraced and brought together for utilizing. Yet all that you have expanded and cultivated does not need to be stored in a silo or somewhere else, stockpiling for future use. Bring the bounty of you to your table NOW! Now is the time for you to bring every single thing you’ve cultivated and expanded in Light forward for yourself with potency and focused awareness, consciously allowing the great expanses of knowingness and beingness you have acquired through many lifetimes/timelines/dimensional spaces of experience to be present fully NOW, to be in operational use NOW, to be accessed NOW. This is the bounty of you! It is time to consciously harvest ALL that you’ve cultivated for this moment.

It is beautiful how new layers of remembrance are opening in every moment—the remembrance of who you are, a Light being in human form, experiencing human living on the Earth Star, choosing to expand in consciousness through Love. We honor you.

As you are reading, there is a great amount of energetic support being provided, should you choose to accept what we are offering. There is a tremendous amount of consciousness present with potency (in this moment, the Rainbow Ray, the Blue Star Ray, and especially the Christed Diamond Consciousness, which the others are bridges for as well as holding their own specific uniquenesses).

Let us be clear before continuing forward, we are not religious in nature nor is anything we provide religious. We exist in the purity of Love, Light, and pure consciousness (though some have form....). We do not desire to spend much focus on this yet we sense some hesitation either because one is religious or because one is not religious and therefore there are some questions about some of the wording and what is brought forward. We are not saying one way is right and another is wrong. That separates and we exist in Union. The truth is that every single path can lead one home to oneself. Let us simply say this: Religion is a human construct, and as such is limited simply because of the human habit ways of creating rules, boundaries, rituals, guidelines, set parameters, etc. And all of these things can be beautiful in certain circumstances when used appropriately and for the good of all. Yet we exist within and bring forward the consciousness streams that can travel through religion or spiritual sectors yet is beyond. It is beyond, beyond, beyond, beyond. THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS! We are here in support of you in order to assist in your remembrance that you, too, are an INFINITE BEING OF LIGHT, currently in human form. YOU ARE LIMITLESS, dear ones.

Let us move more fully into this space of September together, if you choose, as a community of Light, each supporting the Whole, the entirety, the great expansion. It is magnificent seeing your Light shine brighter as you remember how to live from your Heart space! This does not mean that one ceases to use the brainscape, yet the mental loop patterns which can trap one in unnecessary habits of suffering are greatly reduced until one is nearly living every moment in a state of Loving Bliss. We realize this can also be a bit of a barb if one is in a state of self judgement. For there can be a tendency to judge oneself harshly if one is not experiencing states of Loving Bliss. We are bringing forward copious amounts of energetic support with the consciousness streams of the Rainbow Ray, Opalescent Ray, ALL Rose Line streams, Kuan Yin and the Universal Mother’s streamings of Compassionate Love and tenderness toward oneself, and many more supporting you in your self compassion and self love. There is great Archangelic presence here streaming forward as well. AND there is the ability to release more comfortably and easily any self judgement one is holding, if you are willing to release it back to All That Is, back into the Oneness. For the path of expanded evolutionary consciousness is truly also a path of Self Love, which generally occurs in layers. And every single layer is beautiful, magnificent, and a gift not only for yourself but for ALL. ALL life on Earth, ALL life in the galaxy, ALL life in ALL dimensional spaces, which includes us.

This beautiful Light work you are doing and moving toward (in whatever way you choose to get there in your uniqueness) is immensely beautiful and assists the consciousness of ALL. There is a collective movement and remembrance toward and inside of Love—toward and inside of limitlessness, toward and inside of BEING one’s Light fully embodied while in human form! This was not believed to be possible before—with the exception of emissaries of Light such as Yeshua/Sananda (Jesus), Buddha, and many other so called “Ascended Masters” who are present here now. We are here to support you in your remembrance that YOU are also fully capable of living multidimensionally, with your mastery level selves being in union and full cooperation with your physicality so that you may be experiencing the totality of you(which is so vast as to be beyond most comprehension)!

For now, let us begin together as a Light Community, devoted to honoring what is possible through limitless Love, devoted to honoring the self—and one’s own beautiful, tender, expansive, BRILLIANT HEART as the space within which ALL becomes possible.

A Limitless Love Light Activation

Let us begin with releasing anything one is ready to release back to All That Is—anything that is creating a sensation that one is being held back from one’s potential, anything that has been creating pain cycles. Let us together release any attachments which no longer serve one’s highest aspects of potential. Simply visualize or know that these things (any limitations not serving your highest potentials) are released from all levels of you, through all time and space, through all dimensional realities, and

are once again one with All That Is, recycled in a way, brought into oneness, no longer embodied within you.

Take a deep breath, or two, or three.

Let us now begin by putting your hands on your infinite Heart spaces, the portals to limitless Love and ALL knowingness, breathing in and out naturally, allowing, if you choose, the expansive, updated Diamond Heart Consciousness to bathe your Heart Centers with the deepest peace, with the most unconditional, limitless Love, with the Light of a million suns, with the Brightest Diamond Light one can allow, which naturally and easily releases any pain fragments holding space here in your Heart, bringing the Diamond Light Consciousness to fill those spaces, to fill the Entirety of the space of you, and with great joy and freedom, releasing that which you were formerly bound by, now open, open, open to the newness of you, to the limitless Love which is here for you NOW, experiencing new levels of lightness and freedom and joy while being held and supported within your unique Field of Wholeness and resting within your open, beautiful, brilliant, radiating Sacred Heart—the space where ALL potentiality exists, where ALL potentiality exists, where ALL potentiality exists.

Take a deep breath.

Bringing awareness back to the physicality of your hands, the weight of your feet, the sounds in the place you are in, coming home to yourself fully while retaining the remembrance of Light and Joy and Love that you are. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.

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Even while perceived difficulty is present, so is immense Love.

Bathe in the beauty. Bathe in the Light. Revel in the joyful spaces. Rest in the remembrance that you are the Love you seek. Shine brightly, dear ones.

Gather all that you’ve cultivated, all that you’ve expanded in conscious creation, and consider bringing all of it to the table now, in this space of September, for use now, for the knowingness of what is now possible.

Thank you. We honor and support you as you live from your Sacred Heart Centers, living Light in human form. We love and support you always and in ALL ways.

All consciously channeled material copyright Amala 2019. You are welcome to share if you keep the Transmission in its entirety, link to this site, and attribute it to Amala Rose. Thank you.

Amala Rose