I’m a multidimensional energy healer, somatic arts coach, Light Weaver, conduit, and emissary for higher dimensional spaces, serving as a guide for conscious evolutionary expansion (ascension).

Always intuitive, highly sensitive, empathic, introverted, and creative, I experienced a tremendous transformation in 2017. I had been extremely ill for many years, accessing both conventional and “alternative” medical care without relief. While I was supported in many ways I’m grateful for with those medical experiences, I kept getting sicker, experiencing more pain instead of the reverse. In an effort to feel more empowered, I began meditating and doing self Reiki every day. I began to have experiences that were very new to me, and my health began to shift. As I was healing emotionally and physically, my “extra”sensory ways also opened more during a dramatic awakening, which was life changing. I was shown in inner vision how I was working with my biofield in relation to emotions, the physical form, and other dimensional spaces where there is no fragmentation, only Oneness, allowing my body, mind, and emotional landscape to feel Whole and free and loved. I began channeling and speaking and moving in LoveLight language spontaneously, receiving vast information through all the clairs, and receiving guidance, healing, and wisdom teachings from the Collectives of Light (which includes galactic, archangelic, and ascended master spaces).

These ways presented in Reiki sessions with clients as I was shown and guided through numerous realm healing ways with light, sound, and energetic restructuring and resonance. I was being shown the energetic architecture and flows of the biofield and the additional Fields we are all in relation with, whether we are conscious of it or not. Receiving information from personal, planetary, and cosmic Akash spaces, a new way of being emerged for me. I was experiencing times of peace and deep love that I’d never felt before. With practice, I became confident in the information I was receiving as it was continually confirmed.

In awe and gratitude, I continue to dedicate my practice to supporting those on their healing and spiritual (consciousness) expansion journeys. My greatest teachers and guides have been those in higher frequency realms, particularly the Star Ways and the Rose Lines™ including Universal Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. I’m also very thankful for those beautiful humans who have been supportive during this incredible, beautiful, and sometimes quite challenging human experience.

Supporting clients in healing with grounded and creative therapeutic protocols while at the same time teaching how to access, cultivate, and trust the inner resources of their own intuitive uniqueness, we work together as equally empowered beings. Starseeds and those already on a spiritual expansion path can expect enhanced access to their own gifts and expansion of their embodied light processes, along with support for this incredible journey, which inevitably is the journey home to the multidimensional self in Oneness.

My work weaves together grounded and highly intuitive therapeutic processes and light technologies to support a path to healing, transformation, and embodiment in integrated ways.

A former professional artist, in my free time I enjoy creative play in pottery, painting, and collage, along with spending time in nature and with my two wild cats.

Studies & certifications: Multidimensional (Quantum) Energy Healing, Reiki 1, 2, 3 (Reiki Master Teacher), Bachelor of Fine Arts, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Polarity Therapy, Animal Communication, Chi Kung, Somatic Experiencing®, Initiatic Art Therapy®, Healing Trauma with Guided Drawing®

Quantum Energy Healing:

Sound Alchemy:

Somatic Arts:
