The Seed of the Sovereign Self with LoveLight Language

We are ALL seeds of awareness that are one with All That Is/Source Creation/God, it is simply a matter of whether or not a person has the awareness that they ARE the awareness and reclaims their ability to be sovereign and to begin making changes and creating HERE from new realms/dimensions/possibilities. It is all *additional* to what is already here.

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Amala RoseComment
Recalibrating to the Solar Radiance Realm

The following is a channeled message I received from the Collectives of Light on 8/3 with the intention for me to share: What is being asked for at this time is for those on the ascension journey whose systems and sovereign self are prepared, to RECALIBRATE (support for this is in the Lion's Gate replay) and adjust to the new Radiance Realm™ Field which is now complete and fully functional around Gaia. (It is connected, in place, and operational. It will continue to evolve/expand.)

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Amala RoseComment
The Intersecting Space and April LoveLight Languages: An Easter/Ostara Transmission of Light

Dear Lights,

There is an offering of LoveLight languages with a Rose crystal singing bowl below. This bowl helps, among many other things, in activating the Rose Line (sisterhood of the Rose) remembrance and Light code. It’s not just for women. It’s divine feminine energy which is available to all who are open to receiving. Divine feminine energies are flooding in and heightening as we work toward restoring balance with divine the feminine and divine masculine.

The Collectives of Light and especially Sananda/Yeshua/Jesus and Universal Mother Mary are asking me to write a bit about some deeper meanings of the cross. While there is so much that has been and could be written, my focus will be on what is utilized in every single session and group Light Communion. This is a practice and a knowingness that developed over time, yet the wording

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Amala RoseComment
My beloved Santo's Obituary

Santo, my beloved little saint, transitioned from body to spirit on January 8th, a day of abundance.May abundant Bright Blessings of Christed Diamond Light in unconditional Love bless his journey always and in all ways. it is so. May his spirit be lead by Universal Mother, Isis, Quan Yin, Archangel Michael, star family, and the entirety of the Collectives of Light to his next space, and may he be in peace, harmony, great joy, and Love throughout all time and space, all dimensional realities, and all lives. It is so.

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Amala RoseComment
A Christmas Transmission from Yeshua, Universal Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene

As is typical, what began as a personal infusion and update for me morphed into a Light Transmission to share. On the day of Winter Solstice, I received an update to my Heart Star, which they then called my “resurrected Christ”. The use of those words was new. It was beautiful, and felt like both a solidification of much I’ve been expanding and also a beginning as it was very clear that there is so much more expansion yet to occur. On Christmas morning, I received another Transmission from from masters of Light. Fortunately, I recorded it.

This began for me yet it is for us all. The entirety of this message is infused with the frequency and Light codes from Yeshua, Universal Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene.

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Amala RoseComment
The Steep Terrain of Embedded Emotions and Your December Light Language Transmission

The weekend after thanks-giving I made a day trip to Sedona, which was worth the long drive. On the way up, I saw red rock formations and the signs for Sedona stating it was 2 miles away. My friend and I were both looking for the exit (I've been to Sedona enough to know where it is!) but before I knew it, I was seeing the crisp, white San Francisco peaks near Flagstaff getting closer and closer. Those peaks had been engraved into the Hopi wedding bands I melted three years ago, with the metal heated to liquid, and reforming into new form. I wasn’t expecting these feelings to resurface.

Had my friend and I missed the exit? Most would say yes. However, the exit was not there. It was not there. I’m used to operating from numerous dimensions at once in Spirit, but we were operating in another dimension in the physical.

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Amala RoseComment
November Light language Energy Support

Dear Lights,

November’s Light language has much code, an activation for the Heart, and support for staying in one’s alignment no matter what is going on around us, which is much needed right now! There is a lot more, as all that comes in for me and is embodied is then shared.

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Amala RoseComment
October Light Language Ascension Energy Support

Externally, all appears to be utter chaos. The bigger picture I see is beautiful, expansive consciousness in crystalline Light. We are being guided to reside in our Heart spaces as much as possible, in full connection with our core Light and with Source/God/All That Is/Nature. For some, the balance and alignment with mind, Heart, and gut will come first. For others, seemingly separate steps will occur, with a jumping between these spaces until one’s wholeness is more comfortable with the processes, changes and transformations that arise. Regardless of the order, being in one’s Heart is key.

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Amala RoseComment
Lion's Gate Energies are Here!

Dear Lights,

The full moon is upon us along with the Lion's Gate, which actually opened last weekend. This is such an intense time. As more than usual seems to be surfacing for release, in addition to nervous systems already being taxed, please do what you can to care for yourselves, surrender to the releases/clearing, rest, and go within as much as possible.

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Amala RoseComment
Preparatory Light Grounding Transmission in advance of 8.8 Lion's gate

Last weekend, I was in meditation, asking for support for my journey. I did receive some support, but also received a Transmission that was fully intended to be shared in service and support for others as well. I should know by now to always set the mic up just in case! But I was happy to have been recording at all. It began as a personal receiving and morphed into a Transmission very clearly meant to be an offering.

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Amala RoseComment
New Crystal Pendants from Maya Canyon Jewelry

Dear Lights,

I’m excited to offer some new crystal pendants from Maya Canyon Jewelry, handmade by Scott McNeeley. It’s been my experience that Scott has a knack for finding very special, high frequency crystals to make his jewelry with. It’s an honor to be able to offer these to support you in your daily physical life in conjunction with your spiritual journey, as they are one.

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Amala RoseComment