Terms & Policies


For course program, and other products, these are the terms.


24 hours notice of cancellation is required. At our discretion, we may charge for the session in full should this policy not be honored. Late arrivals will not equate to extended session times.


Any medical concerns should be discussed with licensed medical professionals. Amala is an energy healing practitioner, not a licensed medical nor naturopathic doctor. Her services are purely energetic in nature and are not to be construed in any way as medical advice nor medical treatment. Any information provided is received from Spirit and from personal experience. With non-urgent matters, we’re happy to refer as appropriate.


By engaging with the content on this site, including the free Energy Support Transmissions, you are agreeing to the understanding that this work is an energetic offering in nature, not to be misconstrued as medical treatment, and that it is your responsibility to enlist a medical doctor should you be experiencing any concerning symptoms.


All content on this site as well as that linked to other sites (video and photo content) is copyrighted and may not be embedded anywhere without explicit written consent first. If you’d like to share content on your blog or other site, thank you. You may do so freely if you keep the content exactly as it is in its Wholeness/entirety, list me as the content creator, and place a link to this site.

Thank you for your interest in my work and for your dedication to conscious evolutionary expansion and self Love, as they are One.