December Eclipse Message


Dear Lights,

✨Happy holy days to ALL as we move within these powerful portals of potential.

An annular solar eclipse occurs this evening (tomorrow in the parts of the world who will have visibility), which brings a heightened time of reflection, release, and renewal, as well as new streams of activation from the SUN and the Galactic core.  We will not see this "ring of fire" eclipse here in North America, yet the potency of what's available is still here for us.  It's a wonderful day to assess how far you've come, what's no longer serving your highest potentials, and what you want to expand.  Embrace ALL that you are and ALL that you've created.

Below is a brief channeled message from the Councils and collectives of Light who are supporting our conscious evolutionary expansion.

Dear ones,

We are creating in every moment regardless of whether we are aware or not.  Let us bring focused awareness to the harmonious, peaceful, Love based New Earth we want to create, beginning within our own Hearts.  Be gentle with yourselves, treating yourselves as you would treat a tender tree sapling, nurturing and caring for yourselves as you continue to grow in accelerated ways.  Bring deep tenderness to that which needs attention, honoring whatever is showing up in your life as a gift for growth and an opportunity for self Love.

As you mark a day of reverence and take moments to contemplate the alignments of the SUN and the shadow aspects present with ALL Light, let us gather in spirit, in contemplation of the expansion of Light we are radiating, we are seeding.  For as you bring in Light and code and consciousness from the Galactic center and the SUN, as you update ALL of your systems and as you hold ever more Diamond and Christed Light, the entirety of possibility expands.  In many ways, you don't need to do anything.  It is a state of allowance, of choosing, of BEing, of Loving who and what you are in your totality.  We thank you and honor you.  We are offering much Light support here for you to access.  Wherever you're at on your journey, we offer Blessings and Light here to assist.

May you flow easily into the higher potentials of 2020, and may every moment be embraced as the gift that it is.  We love and support you always and in ALL ways,

Vast collectives of Light in service to conscious evolutionary expansion and in service to humanity, including archangelic, ascended master, intergalactic realms, and beyond


✨Let us choose Love.  Let us choose courage.  Let us choose even greater expansion in Light.  Let us gather as we choose these things together, in unity.✨

✨The entirety of this post is Light encoded.✨

I appreciate every one of you. It’s an honor to be on this journey with you.

Thank you for your personal dedication to conscious evolutionary expansion, healing, and Self Love, as they are all one.  

From my Heart Star space to yours,

Amala ✨🔷✨

All consciously channeled material copyright Amala 2019. You are welcome to share if you keep the Transmission in its entirety, link to this site, and attribute it to Amala Rose. Thank you.

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