April 2019 Energy Support Transmission

The following is a channeled Light Transmission to support us during the month of April, or whenever you are reading/listening. For it is never too late, and time and space are human constructs. A supplemental Light language and Crystal singing bowl audio is included.

You are welcome to share text. I ask that you kindly keep the entire Light Transmission intact and in original form, with the URL/link to this page/my site and do not re-post audio without permission.

May you find support here and may your journey be one with infinite Bright Blessings,

Amala 💖✨🌹💠

Dear Ones,

April is a month of great expansion, a time for building, a heightened container for drawing to you all that you desire, all that you have imagined. For there is no seeking. It is all already here for you. The New Earth as some are calling it is here now.

Our desire is to express the potency for April as a time to create, to build in physical form that which you have been waiting to build. That which you have been waiting to create. For it is all here now, more heightened, more easily accessible. More, more, more.

Let us provide a simple practice, a guided meditation if you will, with steps to follow, and a Light language and Crystal bowl transmission as well in order to support all of the tangible dimensional realities being accessed and sourced by you, becoming physically present with you and for you and by you.

Coming more forward as stewards and representatives of this transmission Field are Melchizedek, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Michael, all Orders of the Rose, and a vast collective of Light Beings supporting your evolutionary journey.

Imagine, hear, sense, or know Metatron’s cube spinning comfortably, illuminated in your heart space. Breathe naturally in and out. As you breathe, expand the cube until it is around your entire being. Metatron’s cube is now all around you, and you are fully inside as it spins comfortably, brightly illuminated.

Blue Violet light fills the cube and instantly transmutes, releases, and spins out all that is blocking you, all that has been stopping you from accessing your wholeness. There is a cleansing and repairing, a dissolving of all that obstructs you throughout all time, space, and dimensional spaces of you with the Blue Light of Michael.

Now cleansed and free, you are able to fully access the frequencies and Light from the Melchizedek and Rose orders and lines, bringing a brilliant, loving, heightened knowing of all that you are. Sacred geometry, Light codes, and the Divine knowing of you fill the personal merkaba you reside within, dancing. You may access and hold all that you are drawn to within these heightened frequencies, Light, and levels of knowingness.

Your Crystal Diamond Heart Star is now spinning and shining, radiating and filling your cube space. Your Crystal Diamond Heart Star shares information with all of the frequencies and light dancing within your cube. In this moment, in this space, your spinning Crystal Diamond Heart Star and all that is within the spinning cube pulse as one, breathe as one, know as one, Be as one.

Knowing that you are one with All That Is, with the Light of All Love stationed in your beautiful Diamond Heart, you gently begin placing attention on your physical body, placing awareness inside the knowing that you are one with the Earth, in human form, one with nature.

This is a practice you may read or do as frequently as is comfortable, as often as you desire. For it is within this space that you may access All that is ever present. As you know, every individual, standing within their sovereignty, has access to All that Is in every moment. Yet you may find ease and quickness here, in this potent Field we just co-created together.

We honor and support you. Infinite blessings and joy as you build your physical reality consciously.

A vast collective of Light supporting conscious evolution as channeled by and with the love of Lois Amala.

Amala Rose