State of the UNION. These words came in purposefully with known double entendre, as there is an understanding of the current possible charge related to this phrase and there is another way to experience this phrase.
In the United States right now, and indeed globally, many of us, as human expressions are not united. Many are having unpreferred experiences, to put it quite mildly. And the call from higher realms, as always, is to bring focused awareness and exploration INWARD to be able to notice where it is that each of us as individuated essences are not in UNION, to assess our current state of being, to allow expression of discomfort, then move toward more unity/centeredness,Oneness within.
Is the physical body united with the energetic body? Is the physical lived experience connected to the cosmic or galactic experience? Is one in relation with oneself as the Oneness while also having personal, unique expressions? If you’re not there, or if the unpreferred experiences are so much that being inward is painful, be gentle with yourself. Sometimes, the focus and lovingkindness for self needs to simply be the best next step moving toward that which is preferred, not an instantaneous leap.
What needs our immediate attention, and where can we bring loving attention and focused awareness to our inner resources within?
In the Energetic Boundaries foundational masterclass, we’ve been covering the ways fragmentation can present personally, along with practicing guided processes to re-unify, to come back into UNION. (Fragmentation is also “undercoupling” in Somatic Experiencing terminology.) Unity consciousness can seem like an intangible or far out concept. It all needs to begin at home, in and from the physical body.
In order to create anew ( A NEW experience of reality, A NEW sense of UNION) from division or inner fragmentation, we need to find the center space within again and expand from there. Even if we can feel that wholeness for just a second, that is movement. And it’s all here, even amidst the chaos.
My intention is to create a guided process to put on the free resources page of my website soon to support this practice of coming home to center, to support that move toward or experience of UNION within. Until then, may you find ways of Beauty and practices to support yourself during these intense change times. There are a few other free sound processes and a practice found here.