Years ago, when I started seeing the colors, structures and flows of the Infinite essence and Light bodies of clients, as well as my own, it was an overabundance of information. I was hearing, seeing, feeling in my body, and knowing things I didn’t understand how I could know. Over many years in practice, observing patterns and cultivating the extrasensory ways with interdimensional consciousnesses guiding me and higher aspects of self embodying, I have a strong sense of how multidimensionality is aquired/cultivated, sustained, experienced, and expanded, and how to navigate experiencing many different dimensions at the same time. I’ve come to understand that, for now, the High Heart (HeartStar Space) is the hub in the Infinite Atlas of Awareness connecting our human experience here in this now with many different dimensions of consciousness and lived reality. It is the connector space and the amplifier and the illuminator and the hub/gateway to additional, “extra” ways of experiencing and sensing.
Consciously living from and in multidimensionality in a balanced , grounded, embodied way requires an ability and capacity to be with ALL parts of self. The messy, unruly, fierce protector ones and the magical, sparkly, wise, harmonic, intuitive ones. It requires consistency and a willingness to practice. And it requires an honoring, allowing for, and a “turning on”/activating/Illuminating of some of these dormant Ways within followed by engaging with these parts and opening to new ways of operating.
While at first I didn’t have a cognitive understanding of some of the things I was doing with Light language and quantum Field energy work and the relation to the HeartStar, there came a point whereby it all clicked and my mind also was part of the profound process, understanding the meaning in the minutia and the connection to the big picture. As I was telepathically receiving information from other dimensions, the term HeartStar was always used. One of the first processes for me was an activation of the crystalline nature in each chakra, culminating in a connecting in the HeartStar. I was shown what was happening, why, and how, with understanding of the importance as I worked with clients and myself.
The HeartStar is the Crystalline (Kryst), energetic, multidimensional space where we can access and experience all higher dimensional things. It is necessary to first be in the mystery of not knowing and open to the mystery of unique ways of knowing that aren’t mind-first ways and can’t be easily organized nor “proven” in existing conditioned ways of thought (though some fringe scientific research is beginning to prove these realities).
The easiest way to practice coming into the High Heart and coming into coherence with the High Heart Ways and frequencies is to be in a space whereby entrainment with frequencies in higher dimensions is possible. Coherence is many parts coming together in some way. In this context, it is many parts and dimensions of self coming into a unified vibration with the use of frequency to enter into a sense/state of harmony. An example might be an orchestra. There are many different musicians playing different instruments, some at different times, and playing one part of the symphony, yet they are in the one rhythm, the one energetic field of intention and expression of the same composition, the feeling and the vibration of the whole, each elevating to match the highest expression of resonance with that composition in exquisite harmonies. Another example is cymatics. And it’s so fun to watch. A substance, like sand, is placed on a plate and different frequencies create different patterns as the sand reconfigures and changes vibrational coherence depending on the frequency.
Whether it is through sound or group gathering in a unified quantum Field, unique experiences are felt as one’s nervous system, body, mind, emotional landscape, and spirit all entrain together within a coherent Field of Frequency. This is why I continue to offer Frequency Fields™ and Sound Fields™, and group programs whereby one is immersed in coherent frequencies the entire time. It’s delicious. All one has to practice is BEing. It’s simple but for most takes great practice. When one consistently entrains with and comes into coherence with higher frequencies and consciousness states, the light body naturally changes. The Heart naturally undergoes expansion into High Heart Ways over time.
Stay tuned for new masterclasses, programs, and events, all of which offer opportunities to come into coherence, to learn about multidimensionality and intuitive development, to entrain with higher consciousness and “extra”, multidimensional aspects of self, to update the Light body, to receive Illuminations (turning on dormant divine essence parts of self), and to be in nervous system regulation frequencies. Until then, here are some resources you can access now:
1/15 Frequency Flow™ with focused awareness on Peace frequencies HERE.
Free Light language Flow and guided meditation for the HeartStar space HERE.
More free Light language videos and energy support HERE.
Prior Frequency Flow™ series, including a High Heart/Thymus/HeartStar series HERE.