My beloved Santo's Obituary

Santo, my beloved little saint, transitioned from body to spirit on January 8th, a day of abundance.May abundant Bright Blessings of Christed Diamond Light in unconditional Love bless his journey always and in all ways. it is so. May his spirit be lead by Universal Mother, Isis, Quan Yin, Archangel Michael, star family, and the entirety of the Collectives of Light to his next space, and may he be in peace, harmony, great joy, and Love throughout all time and space, all dimensional realities, and all lives. It is so.

As my beloved cat Coco was transitioning 16 years ago, Santo came to me unexpectedly. It was Halloween, near All Saint’s Day. He was a little saint, bringing so much comfort as I grieved for Coco, along with great joy, companionship, and unconditional Love (in form). While playful, he also had a regal, powerful presence reminding me of our time together in a past life in Egypt.


He loved people and was delighted any time I took him out with me. He would sit in the high stool at the bank calmly as if getting ready to make a transaction. He spent many years playing with his brother Rudolpho, until old age made that uncomfortable. Santo loved every second of sun bathing he could get. He was always happy as long as he was with me, no matter what we were doing or where we were at. A deeply contented dog who knew how to hold space, he calmly and lovingly helped me during years of chronic, severe illnesses and pain, often looking into my eyes in a specific way to tell me when I’d forgotten to take meds. He helped me again as I healed myself from those illnesses as well as from a divorce. He continued to be by my side as I opened to being a channel and a medium and moved into a new life of service.

I always wondered why he was less interested than Rudolpho in being close when I channeled the Collectives of Light or worked with distance clients. It was because he was already a master. He didn’t need all of the Light activations because he was already in his fullness, aligned with All That Is, a master healer.

He loved playing hide and seek. I’d go into another room, he’d walk very slowly toward me, not knowing exactly when I’d pop out and say boo. He’d creep up to the edge of the door in anticipation. When I jumped out, all four feet left the ground and he would do a half turn in the air then take off running with a smile on his face. He loved that play so much.

Santo licked my hands and wrists to show affection and contentment. When he first came to me, I thought it was the teething, mouthing behavior of a puppy. But he never outgrew this expressive desire to show love in that way.

I will miss his super soft fur, the little crook at the end of his tail, and the way he would look deeply into me, grounded in this world while having an ancient, wise look from somewhere else. He was a soul mate in the form of a dog.


He was the most loving, beautiful, spirited companion to me. I grieve deeply for the loss of his physical presence in my life, but am comforted in the knowingness that he is eventually going home to the Sirius star system, after which perhaps we will be united again.

I will continue to miss him in physical form. But we will continue a new relationship in spirit. At the end, I said I was sorry if I held him here too long. He said it was okay. I saw him as a violet fuchsia light orb. Then I felt his energy come through me from crown to heart and he said “We can continue the Great Work now” and I saw and sensed that we have so much more we can do together now in new ways.

Thank you, Santo. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, my beloved Santo. You were the greatest gift every single day. I’ve been so blessed to have you in my life. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you always, through all time and space and all dimensional realities. I love you.

Brightest Blessings on your journey home. If it is also in your highest good, may we always be connected in spirit. It is so.

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