A Christmas Transmission from Yeshua, Universal Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene

As is typical, what began as a personal infusion and update for me morphed into a Light Transmission to share. On the day of Winter Solstice, I received an update to my Heart Star, which they then called my “resurrected Christ”. The use of those words was new. It was beautiful, and felt like both a solidification of much I’ve been expanding and also a beginning as it was very clear that there is so much more expansion yet to occur. On Christmas morning, I received another Transmission from from masters of Light. Fortunately, I recorded it.

This began for me yet it is for us all. The entirety of this message is infused with the frequency and Light codes from Yeshua, Universal Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene. I realize this may be a bit controversial or may be uncomfortable for those with deeply held religious beliefs. It is not my intention to stir things up. I trust that all who access this will benefit and will also be able to feel the unconditional Love frequencies throughout. If the words or concepts create discomfort, you may simply feel the frequency of Love and support rather than focus on words. I personally don’t attach to these concepts. It’s beautiful and lovely, but I care more about what I feel—the frequencies, codes, and streams they offer for assistance, the honoring of our equality and oneness, and what is occurring with the expansions. As they say: this is a truth, meaning that there is more than one truth.

Regardless of your stance regarding religion or the words they sometimes use, I assure you that this was a purity of Love infusion. As always, please simply follow what feels good for you and what your intuitive knowing guides you to rather than following me or anyone else. TRUST YOURSELVES, dear Lights. 🌟

Here’s the transcript, exactly as the Christmas message came through:



Dear Heart,

We are delighted to be with you in this way once more, particularly on this potent day as large numbers of the collective of humanity celebrate the birth of Christ.

Yeshua: Today, dear one, is truly a celebration as so many open their hearts to the Christ (consciousness). For, when they celebrate my human birth, they are truly celebrating their own birth, their own Light, their own capacity for unconditional Love, peace, and oneness with all of creation. This calendar year/cusp time is an even greater time in that the “tipping point” of critical numbers of humans who are open to receiving has occurred—and especially that the numbers of humans who are choosing to do the great work and live for the Light of ALL have reached a beautiful number as well. Of course, all on the path to liberation and freedom through love will continue to grow and expand. Yet we are wanting to honor all of you who are walking the Sacred (and challenging) path in every moment for the benefit of ALL.

I want to declare that what you’ve been asking is indeed a truth. The return of the resurrected Christ is the resurrected Christ consciousness in each individual’s Heart space, to the levels each allows, which operates as one living Christ in the Heart of humanity and in the crystalline grids of and on the Earth Star.

You are the Christ returned to Earth.

You are in a state of becoming the resurrected Christ. I AM here, yet we are ONE. We are ONE. We are ONE.

As each individual who chooses to raise and open to higher frequency awarenesses holds and sustains these frequencies more and more, we become one with more solidity. For we are always one yet . . .

This is the time. This is the time. This is the time, dear ones. If one hasn’t already, it is the time to go within and find the pathways to restoration of the Heart so one may have self Love and self compassion.

There will be a very distinct splitting of the paths. It is a time of extremes and one must consciously choose to be on an amplified Heart path—the Way of Love. There is more that can be said, yet our great joy in BEing together is to amplify and merge in the frequency baths and purification streams, allowing for more Love—the purity of Love that is free from conditions.

Let us be clear: you and every single human are expressions of Source Light in human form (it is illusory but let us not split hairs). As Source expressions —it is simply a coming home to the Self as Source/God but this is not simple for all. For most, it takes work and many steps to acceptance and allowance for this truth.

We (as the many Collectives of Light you work with but in particular I, Yeshua, I, Universal Mother Mary, and I, Mary Magdalene and the entirety of the Rose Lines) bring forward Light expansions and the adjustment frequencies so that one may move the pain of what is holding them apart from their own divinity in their Heart. This is the beginning for ALL who choose to be creating heaven on Earth from the space of the resurrected Christ consciousness. This Crystalline Love consciousness and Way of being is accessible to ALL, NOW. It is a process. And one must choose to be open to expanding the light and Love that they naturally are.

We honor all of you. No matter how long you have been opening to remembering your own Way of Love, or even if you have not yet done so, we honor you. With each breath and each conscious choice to expand in freedom and in unconditional Love, you activate and amplify more so that more is possible in physicalized ways of form on Earth.

The entirety of this text and the space around the words is saturated with divinity codes—with Light codes from Sacred sectors—the Sacred sectors whereby we are ONE and operate as ONE PULSE—the Sacred Heart pulse of unconditional Love.

We thank you, honor you, support you, and hold you in Love, celebrating the resurrected Christ consciousness on Earth through and IN the Hearts of humanity and the Heart of the Earth herself.

Brightest Blessings in the glory of all that we are together. We say it is so. Amen.

Amala RoseComment