October Light Language Ascension Energy Support

Dear Lights,

Many (including me) are experiencing big releases and expansions, which can show up in the physical in extreme ways. This can be blissful and beautiful as well as highly unpleasant, depending on where one is in the moment.

It is now fall here in the Northern hemisphere (happy belated Equinox!), a time of going inward and letting go, shedding what we no longer need to be holding. Wherever we have more letting go to do and are holding resistance (whether conscious or subconscious), physical unpleasantness can arise. Most people know this: what is energetic and emotional becomes physical. Yet now all is happening at a quickened and heightened pace as bodies (and mental and emotional systems) acclimate, transform, and embody new Light expansions.

Externally, all appears to be utter chaos. The bigger picture I see is beautiful, expansive consciousness in crystalline Light. We are being guided to reside in our Heart spaces as much as possible, in full connection with our core Light and with Source/God/All That Is/Nature. For some, the balance and alignment with mind, Heart, and gut will come first. For others, seemingly separate steps will occur, with a jumping between these spaces until one’s wholeness is more comfortable with the processes, changes and transformations that arise. Regardless of the order, being in one’s Heart is key.

This Light Language is to support you in this process. There is a pineal gland activation (the pineal gland is where one accesses their “extra” sensory perceptions and knowingness such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc), a heart expansion, a nervous system support for balancing, pure, unconditional Love from the Rose Lines and Divine Feminine collectives, and much more. Use your inner knowingness to access and receive what is best for you in this moment.

I’ll be creating simple ceremony to bring beauty to the process of letting go. May you find ways to bring beauty to your processes of expansion.

Enjoy. Have a beautiful, transformative October.

Brightest Blessings from my Heart Star space to yours,

Amala White Star Rose 🌹✨🔷✨🌹

Disclaimer: As always, by accessing this material, you acknowledge that, while energy movement work is powerful and complementary, Amala is not a medical doctor and her energy work is not meant to be taken as medical advice nor treatment. It is prudent to maintain your relationship with your personal physician and/or therapist to address concerning symptoms.

Feel free to share with those you feel may resonate with this work (please keep the content as is in its entirety and attribute to Amala Rose at www.amalaalchemy.com). Thank you!💖

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