Amala Rose | Quantum Energy Healer, Somatic Arts Therapy, Sound Healer

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Free Energy Support Offering and Lion's Gate Share

Dear Lights,

I'm feeling called to share this free offering to support this beautiful Light community.  

The Light language and Ganesh visual expression below came through prior to the Lion's Gate portal in order to be shared .  It's not just one thing held in this sigil ink drawing, but much (multidimensional), yet the primary support is in assisting with any perceived obstacles to recognizing one's self as divine, as whole, as light.  

Light Language Artwork by Amala Rose

Sometimes we (I include myself here) can be hard on the aspects of our humanness that are still in a process of healing (whole-ing), becoming, and embodying.  Because of this amazing journey, I know one thing for sure: it is possible to be ALL things at once.  May this sigil support you on your path in whatever ways are most beneficial right now.  

Our Light Communion yesterday was so powerful, truly beyond words (but I'll do my best).  I typically experience all of the updates and embodiments first, then offer that in Light Communions and other ways.  This time, I also received something I had not yet experienced.  I'm still purifying and embodying the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine "Sacred ReUnification".  

I cried through nearly the entire Communion because of the immensity of Beauty and Love I was seeing and feeling.  

We go through the Vesica Pisces portal together and then on to connect with the streams from the Great Central Sun, all held by the Guardians of the Gates, Sirian star family, and the Collectives of Light.  (More information about the Vesica Pisces portal soon.)

We are all given the awareness and potential to experience a pure merge and balancing of Divine feminine and Divine Masculine energies as the Oneness of God/Source/All That Is, assisted by Universal Mother Mary and Yeshua.  It occurs both individually as well as planetary (in the Light grids).  This is beyond words.  The Collectives of Light called it the "Sacred ReUnification".  

All of this is in addition to a ton of Light code, Light grid, and etheric DNA updates while in the streams coming from the Great Central Sun with the ability to absorb or imprint those potentials etherically to embody as one is ready.  Please do not listen/participate when in a state of action (driving, etc)!

All time is now.  The recordings hold the "time", energies, and creations.

Brightest Blessings as we all move through and navigate this intense time. We're in this together.  Let us live in the "Sacred Heart of Unity".

It's a deep honor to be part of your journey.  

From my Heart Star space to yours,

Amala ✨🔷✨