Preparatory Light Grounding Transmission in advance of 8.8 Lion's gate

Last weekend, I was in meditation, asking for support for my journey.  I did receive some support, but also received a Transmission that was fully intended to be shared in service and support for others as well.  I should know by now to always set the mic up just in case!  But I was happy to have been recording at all.  It began as a personal receiving and morphed into a Transmission very clearly meant to be an offering.  

The Light Transmission and activations are powerful.  The recording itself is not ideal.  Because I was anticipating a personal Communion, it was done via voice memo on my phone, which is one reason why I'm offering it for $11.11.  I heard that it’s part of the Grand Preparations for even bigger shifts, revelations, expansions, and personal choice points that will be showing up in the physical.  It's hard to imagine even bigger changes coming, but . . .  

I've been guided to offer this audio to assist prior to the August 8th (8.8 Lion's Gate) group Light Communion.  Details will come soon.  This preparatory audio stands alone and well as complimenting what will be offered on 8.8.

The Collectives of Light said that "The Sacred Heart of Unity" is the point where we will be meeting, expanding and illuminating all Sacred Hearts (humans choosing Love).

Archangel Michael, Sirian Lions, Universal Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Cosmic collectives, and many more provide assistance for us in this Light Transmission. There are Golden Gate codes, Diamond consciousness infusions, spiral DNA illuminations, updated spin rates, among many other activations, in addition to general Light Grounding preparations. This is not just for the 8.8 passage, but for all of the changes to come.

You may purchase it here.


Thank you for your dedication to conscious evolutionary expansion. Please be gentle with yourselves. The intensity of everything occurring now requires as much self care as possible.

Brightest Blessings from my Heart Star space to yours,

Amala ✨🔷✨

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