Join us in devotional, sacred space to receive Light Code Transmissions and Reignitions from The Rose Lines specific to the multidimensional creation spaces of the Heart and the Womb and our birthright of worth and freedom. 4 modules plus a bonus integration Transmission, totaling 5 modules, each approximately 90 minutes long. There are copious Light language activations and group immersion with the Light of The Rose Lines.

This is restoration work. Come home to Self in new ways through the alchemy of descension (bringing in higher aspects of self into the human, embodied experience) and ascension (rising in consciousness and frequency). We will be receiving from The Rose Lines, working directly with worth in many layers, and especially with reignitions and purifications in the creation spaces in order for there to be more coherence, divine alignment, and seeded confidence in new creations. We are building a New Earth together.

This is both a healing experience and a catalyst for expansion and finding the freedom spaces for that which you’re wanting to bring into form, even if it’s not conscious yet. This is a channeled, multidimensional, multiversal experience and Transmission. There are guided processes within the modules in preparation for the work and to calm the systems from these times of stress and compression. We explore dimensions of expansionary spaces, where freedom lives, and invite higher aspects of self and all aspects of the inner child back home.

We are in a rebirthing process. It’s more powerful and more pleasurable to be in these spaces while gathered together in sisterhood. Details about each module, along with testimonials, are below.

  • What the Rose Lines are

  • Copious Light language activations

  • Movement of Light through the body & all systems

  • Quan Yin & White Lotus frequency merge

  • Toroidal Field & all Fields open

  • White Lotus process with activations in all chakras & along spine

  • 1st breath/rebirth

  • Coming back to Allness/core column of Light

  • Whale & dolphin consciousnesses for joy & movement

  • Divine feminine movement

  • Restoration process & coming home to Allness in female form, the divine dance

  • Star Ways of Rose lines

  • Portal space opened

  • Universal Mother, Quan Yin, Mary Magdalene, entirety of Rose Lines, Magdalenes, Star frequencies all here expqnding zero point

  • Bilocate to 12th dimensional space

  • Rose singing Bowl to ground Light code & help the body remember

  • Supported in remembering in sisterhood all the ways we’ve shared before

  • Reactivating Gold rings of Light, becoming part of the Light body

  • More saturation of Light

  • Blue Rose Light in the heart & womb spaces

  • Kundalini reactivated

  • Fires stoked, restoration of flow

  • Trifold flames reignited and/or expanded

  • Purifying, stabilizing, unifying energies

  • Reclaiming sacredness

  • Light quotient increase

  • Worthiness energetics

  • Illumination of any parts not feeling good enough or unworthy in some way

  • Bathed in unconditional Love of Rose lInes

  • Isis & ways of strength & holding the Light

  • Recoding sequence for Light body

  • Throat and womb work with prior pain

  • Crystalline DIamond Light infusion

  • Assistance for cleansing things that aren’t one’s own

  • Universal Mother Gold Rose frequencies

  • Support for any areas that haven’t felt safe

  • Limitless, expansive frequencies

  • Support for any ways one has felt burdened by being human on Earth

  • Reconnecting with strength, boundaries

  • Purification for any ways sexuality was used in harmful ways or not honored as sacerd

  • Purifying & revitalizing from damages from patriarchy

  • Working with inner child

  • Coming home to present moment

  • Bringing inner child home

  • Sensing the subtleties

  • Rose crystal singing Bowl frequencies

  • Gold Rose frequencies

  • Inner child processes continued: working with the infant inner child & repatterning

  • Sacred space of safety

  • Energetic processes for safety & holding of self

  • Purity of Peace frequencies

  • Balance for nervous system

  • Peace streams from Rose Lines, Andromeda, and many others

  • Each vertebrae receives White, Pink, Gold Rose frequencies, creating energetic space between vertebrae

  • Gold Rose frequencies reweaving through all vertebraic spaces

  • Big energetic process in womb space with inner child

  • Security of Self

  • Ceremonial celebration for welcoming self essence of you into human form

  • Designing your own celebration

  • Sacral chakra work

  • Merging adult and child selves

  • Merge Heart space with frequencies of the Rose Lines

  • Diamond consciousness

  • Snesing beautiful frequencies through chakras and reactivating if not already

  • Lighting up any guarded spaces

  • Energetic ways creating sense of safety, peace, joy

  • Purifying energetics to support any areas of unworthiness & for any ways one may have experiences loss in reproduction and other conditioned ways we’re taught about worth with regard to female-ness

  • Energetic movement through beliefs about what it means to create, produce, and birth

  • Bilocating to sacred healing site in S france

  • Lighting up entirety of reproductive areas

  • Coral, White, and Blue STar Rose frequencies

  • Blessing & anointing each participant

  • Being held & supported in healing sacred water

  • Quan Yin’s pink Field

  • Kundalini stoking in root (revitalized energy returning)

  • Infusion Gold Rose frequencies

  • Potency of Isis & ways of womanhood & expression, acceptance, and reclamation

  • Alignment with the power of selfhood

  • Reactivation with Isis—a stoking with heart space & Trifold flames

  • Relishing the potency with self

  • Blue Star Rose Ways

  • Energetics to support the erasing of old programs and conditioning

  • Creating the new divine slate & new rules of you

  • Creating new freedom ways

  • Energetically creating safe space for sensuality and sexuality freedom

  • Light painting for freedom codes

  • Dancing in celebration, honoring you

  • Blessing self

  • Watering the seeds of Truth within self

  • Clearing any energies that are not Self

  • Reclaiming the space of Self

  • Red Rose frequencies in the heart space

  • Entraining with light ways of self

  • Ways of the Magdalene through the crown to assist with cleansing- purifying the notion of dirtiness of women

  • White, Red, Blue Rose frequencies infuse & become one with with participants

  • Becoming one with unconditional love & entirety of the Allness that you are

  • Akashic work with times of persecution/harm for one’s gifts, etc & /or for being female

  • Neutralization & light to those spaces

  • Coming home to freedom & beauty of limitlessness

  • Purifying any stagnant, old energies held onto, anything not matching the updated light ways to move out

  • Old grief from births not fully realized bathed in love with Universal Mother, Quan Yin, White Tara, Mary Magdalene

  • The unique capacity to birth new creations in many different ways while honoring that which has been

  • Crystalline codes of new creation

  • Rainbow frequencies creating new possibilities

  • Coming home to creation spaces of self & remembrance of multidimensionalilty in creation spaces

  • Diamond Gold light codes

  • Light ways reclaim, infuse, re-pattern, update

  • Portal space opening

  • Creating personal light altar

  • Blue Rose frequencies in portal space

  • Ways of wisdom honoring female experiences

  • Invitation to inner child to the crystalline light space, honoring

  • Golden Ways

  • New sustenance ways

  • Recoding, regenerating, reclaiming

  • Root chakra—vaginal canal, cervix, all spaces of womanhood/female form infused with crystalline light code

  • Quan Yin with White Lotus Ways & frequencies unfolding

  • Reopening entirety of heart space, then womb creation spaces, flow reestablished

  • Update & reactivate crystalline ways through all bodies of self, including star ways for blooming

  • Re-collect—to bring home all ways of self

  • Birthright to be multidimensional self expressed through humanness

  • Copious Light language Transmissions throughout

  • Breathing into spine

  • Reconnecting with natural rhythm of life that you are

  • Isis, Universal Mother, Mary Magdalene specific light code unique for each person’s unique essence

  • Floating in crystalline light bath & Ways of the Rose

  • Arcturus, Sirius, Andromeda, Pleiades frequencies

  • Archangelic ways

  • Red Rose frequencies, ways of wisdom, strength, ways of creation

  • Honoring exactly where one is

  • Blending all White Lotus light code with unique essence of self

  • Allowing fluid ways to become one with natural rhythms

  • Universal Mother, Mary Magdalene with beautiful offering in front of each person’s womb space

  • Purification and coherence between heart and womb spaces

  • Blue Diamond wisdom ways

  • Stoking the fires of new creation

  • Pink Gold frequencies

  • White Violet light space platform for all beautiful streams coming in

  • All dimensions accessible here & now

  • Crystalling Diamond Gold Rose gilded streams

  • Importance of expressing through the human aspect of self

  • Expending through heart & womb spaces

  • Moving energy with waves of sound

  • Preparing body, mind & emotional landscape

  • Current of water clearing out and “shouldering of burdens”

  • Talking about ascension and descension & what that means

  • Crystalline Ways of Creation

  • Prepare the form by reactivating light ways & expanding comfort capacity for embodying more light in human form

  • Throat chakra work

  • Guided landscape meditation

  • White Rose frequencies in heart space

  • Mary Magdalene frequencies of Peace through all chakras & ways of self

  • Expanding zero point

  • Re-meet one’s infant self

  • Entire story of self bathed in Gold frequencies, bringing home entirety of book of self

  • Universal Mother with stabilization, oneness with beauty of all that you are

  • Process with heart & womb

  • Purifying & embracing any wounded parts of self

  • Golden crown Rose frequencies, ring of light through whole form

  • Transmutation process

  • Isis and Blue Star Ways

  • Arcturus, Sirius, other star nations

  • Becoming one with crystalline ways reactivated in heart space

  • Updating spins and light grids in all dimensions

  • Holding self with tenderness and awe

  • Honoring of human experience and possibilities in human form

  • Fire ways to purify spaces still resisting humanness

  • New pathways for opening to natural, organic multidimensionality

  • Sensation of 1st breath/rebirth in new landscapes

  • Red Rose frequencies back heart space & into all spaces of self

  • Allowing frequencies to bring soft comfort & knowingness to spaces of challenge, especially any areas feeling unworthy, too much, too different…

  • Entirety Rose Lines & Collectives of Light honor all expressions of you

  • Reclamation and reseeding of self in crystalline, multidimensional

  • Infusing into all spaces of human self, carried in all fluid ways

  • 3rd eye crystalline expansion

  • Frequencies and support for any ways felt intruded on by maleness at any time—reclaiming the space of self

  • Recreating sacred space of I Am presence in humanness

  • Restoration of divinity of crystalline ways on Earth beginning with self

  • Any ways felt held down by rules of established patriarchy—shaking out, swept back to Source

  • Creating your new illuminated path with symbolic Gold bricks

  • Blue Rose Ways in core column of light

  • Communicating with Galactic aspects of self

  • White Rose frequencies

  • Sacred geometry in womb space

  • Rose crystal singing Bowl

  • Freedom of new creation, freedom of worth

  • Reminders of ways to help energy move comfortably

  • Light activations

  • Gold, Diamond, Violet frequencies

  • Guided process cleaning, opening chakras

  • Sharing abundance, support, love with Earth

  • Reunion with Allness/Oneness

  • Receiving information from higher aspects of self

  • Feeling into what multidimensional heart feels like

  • Infinity consciousness

  • Pink Lotus Ways with Quan Yin

  • Mary Magdalene White Rose frequencies to all chakras

  • White Gold Rose frequencies along midline merging with kundalini

  • White Rose merges with White Lotus Ways, bringing that flow through all of you

  • Spiral infusion into all channels

  • All that has taken place in each module brought into union, one rhythm

  • Each person’s inner child in sacred circle

  • Inner child crown received

  • Nervous system reconnection

  • Childlike ways of curiosity

  • Integration for inner child ways of safety & adult ways of safety & wisdom

  • Coherence between mind, heart, between heart & womb, between creation spaces

  • Circle together with the Rose Lines, currents merging into new flow state

  • Living light language blends with new flow

  • I AM alignments with self statements

  • Moving out any excess

  • Crystalline light bath with Isis

  • Working with conditioning surrounding notions of beauty, acceptability, nakedness

  • Sensuality/sexuality aspects come together with light way, human form, and ways of beauty

  • Reunion with the sacred ways

  • New ways to utilize movement of strong energies

  • Revitalized energy of Beauty, worth, sacredness, honoring one’s own human form

  • Blooming in heart and root chakras reconnecting

  • Isis dances to move energy

  • Allowing release

  • Alignment with what soul is desiring

  • Ways of embracing self

  • Universal Mother & her Star Ways, Isis & her Star Ways, Mary Magdalene & her Star Ways, Quan Yin & her Star Ways, Rose Lines and all Star Ways & Earth Ways share with this sacred group, each individual

  • Asking inner child to come home to creation spaces

  • Sacred fire dancing around our sacred space

  • More inner child work—what is the dance of the inner child?

  • White Lotus blooming energies expanding potentials through all dimensions

  • Celebrating all the experiences that brought this expansion of crystalline nature

  • Letting any areas of friction become part of the sound

  • Savoring the very human experience of sensing the physical world

I believe this program offered me a deep energetic reset and an awareness of habits, tendencies and thought/behavior patterns.

I felt several energetic releases during the light transmissions process. Emotion was purged with the surfacing of old memories. Physically, I have actually lost some weight— perhaps a metaphor to a weight of the world I was carrying. I’ve had a clearer vision of limitations I have unconsciously put on myself.

Several times during the transmission I felt sensations of tingling through my body that would initiate involuntary movement. I was able to anchor some deep truths about my worth and/or lack there of. The first two transmissions for me were the most powerful and sensory driven. I felt many of the sensations and saw many of the light streams at the time of the transmissions. My body would even physically move in the areas at the exact time you would mention the light was coming into those areas. It was beautiful.

This was my first inner-child excercise. I noticed that she is very eager to work with me/ talk to me. Integration was smooth. I fell asleep during a couple of the transmissions. I felt at peace upon waking and very inquisitive to new ideas. Grounded.

[I now have] new ideas and new career interests, awareness of behavior patterns, I feel more grounded and confident. Content. Open heart. Feeling more compassion.

I loved the audible noises that were made to clear energy- I found it incredibly effective in moving energy through my body. It brought me to tears a few times but was just enough momentum to get things moving gently and safely.
— J.Y.
My favorite part of the program was giving myself permission to do something totally different just for me. This program felt so personal, like it was just for me right when I needed it!

The inner child awareness was so beautiful! It was amazing to hold myself as a baby - something I’ve never done before! I felt so loved and welcomed. To hold yourself just like you always wish you had been was incredible.

I truly felt limitless after one of the sessions. What an amazing feeling - to feel like there are no boundaries, bounds, nothing I cannot do. I am all. Beautiful! I know by having experiences like this it comes into me, through me, to support me in my life here and what I want to do. I continue to grow and learn and am excited.

I am being given an opportunity to heal and eat cleaner and I am thankful for that. I know the food I put into my body could be better but I still wasn’t doing it. There was always an excuse. But going even deeper, I see how this is tied to worth. Actually, wow. I am worth treating my body as holy so that I can continue to be in this reality, in this body. Why would I not?

I keep hearing ‘watering seeds’ from different sources. I am getting ready to emerge, I have been dormant for so long. It’s time. I loved bringing all parts of me home. Really profound and I felt it.
I’m grateful for this opportunity to reflect!
— A.H.
I realized how much I depend on outside validation for feeling worthy and loved. I have lived with internalized judgement and based my worth on that.

Today I remembered the doctrine of original sin and that was the cloud I began life under. I was taught one must overcome their natural disposition to do wrong. Now I believe every choice and experience is an opportunity to learn something new and that love, as opposed to judgement, is the driving force behind existence. I have been searching for a purpose in my life but now wonder if simply living each day based on being loving and kind to myself and others is enough.

I loved [the inner child] part! I have always been told what a fussy, skinny, unhappy baby I was. Imagining cradling my inner infant and celebrating their birth was a joyful rewriting of my history! I felt pure love ushering me into existence.

Immediately afterwards I felt calm, peaceful, relaxed and happy listening to your gentle, loving voice and the beautiful resonance of the crystal bowl.

I find myself stepping back and wondering about my reactions and reminding myself that I am conditioned to certain responses. I tell myself I can choose a different path.

[My favorite part was] how much joy, peace, and love I experienced within my being.

Thank you again, Amala, for all you do.
— M.P.
This has been another powerful and wonderful series - and I’m so grateful as always for your your work, your gifts, and these offerings. Thank you!

I can say that I am at this time feeling more expanded than when the series started. I’m experiencing such a state of expansive grace it’s as though every atom and subatomic particle of my body (all my bodies) has more space between them. But I also feel more grounded, as though I’ve reached a deeper understanding of allowance - of how perfect it is to simply lean into acceptance of being held in the container of Divine Love and infinite support.

I did have a couple days of de-toxing symptoms which required more sleep, but each time I had delicious dreams of lying in a field of roses and breathing in golden light. How does it get better than that?

These are such nourishing, nurturing powerful offerings, and I look forward to hearing what you are called to offer and transmit next. I know it will be a blessing as always.
— Anonymous
[This program] helped me heal my feminine part tremendously, which holds this container for unconditional love and compassion for all. I feel more peaceful and accepting. I am actually enjoying being a mother again (being in the house and nurturing everybody) after long years of escaping this reality.

[The energetic re-ignitions and purification fires seemed to bring] forward an emotional pattern. Lots of them came out as screams or like this “lioness roars” defending her ground. Lots of throat clearing. Felt as if I have been silenced many times and all this voice had to come out and push back.

As “old” patterns dissolve, I feel unconditionally peaceful, and through that state, unconditional love emerges and then blissful joy of all creation. And all around me responds with this beautiful harmony that leaves me at awe and tears. So everything patterns according to your inner state, but inner state is also part of a bigger pattern etc.

It also helped me to uncover another layer of beingness. It is where time stops and every-thing is of a value and you are at the birth of all potentialities and you are witnessing all these potentialities that are happening at the same time and you are being none of them simultaneously.
— A.L.
[I had] the realization of how much in my heart I’ve been avoiding and holding onto. There were many releases there. Sensuality & sexuality were awakened in a very big way. My body is sure feeling better & my food choices are shifting.

[The inner child work] was very nurturing to me. [I feel] lighter in mind, body & spirit. I think many congested areas within me were released.

[My favorite part] was so many things like an awakening of sensuality in myself and the imagining of the book of self.

I have a general lightness of being. I always felt like it was a welcoming home—always feeling safe, supported & loved.
— R.S.