This beautiful offer includes 3 Days of Live Illumination Processes and Transmissions, 75 Minutes Each. 60 minutes of LIVE process followed by 15 minutes of share & Q&A. I asked what offer was most ideal at this time and this was the answer! Expect highly advanced Light processes which will allow for light body updates and expansions, illuminations, and the receiving of light codes that are divinely attuned with you and your unique essence! Three live group gathering will culminate in a Sophianic Solar Reisha Illumination in the Heart Star space for Krystalline Consciousness Ignition potentials with Universal Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Solar Principles, and the Sophianic Dragon Ways overlighting the entire process.
Additionally, I'm being told the following may be part of what is offered in the Field for each person:
- Gorgeous, pure Transmissions and light code for ascension processes
- Frequency entrainment in a pure Field, held within Rose Way and Sophia Kryst frequencies
- Updates to the energy body, leveling up and aligning with the highest trajectory
- Immersion in Sophianic Krystic Ways the entire time we're together in the Field
- Divine Feminine re-membering codes to assist with coming home to the mystery Ways of re-UNION
- alignment with the Cosmic Codex of Creation with Cosmic Mother for assisting with that which will be birthed through you
- LoveLight language throughout, offering a plethora of galactic, multidimensional healing ways and Light code for the unique paths of conscious evolutionary expansion (ascension) personally, collectively, planetarily, and cosmically