1:1 Inner Heart Star Alchemy™ and Divine Expression Private Day Retreat
I’m delighted to offer you this highly personalized, 1:1 private day retreat! It’s got me lit up in anticipation of the work we will co-create!
We begin by meeting in the Finger Rock trailhead parking lot at 10am. We will be on the land together, on Pontatoc Trail, whereby I will guide a process/processes (which will also be full of light activations) for consciously connecting with your uniqueness in light and “grid work” ways. We will be working with the crystalline nature within, in relation to the crystalline nature in other realms of Gaia and beyond. There will also be some “teachings” regarding light work with planetary work and light body updates, along with what may want to be offered as you prepare for your England trip. Bring the crystals that are able to be carried easily and want to be in service in this way. Also bring snacks, water, and anything else you’d like for comfort outdoors in sunlight.
We will leave the trailhead for your house at approximately 12, where we will eat lunch prior to a 90 minute session (Somatic Experiencing and Quantum Energy Healing) at your home. I will bring a massage table and my own food. Please plan to eat cleanly and have healthy snacks & water throughout in support of your body as there will be a lot of energy flow & restructuring!
After the quantum somatic session and a short break, we will explore specific inner alchemy movement practices utilizing Qi Gong and multidimensional Light technology in the quantum realms through physical creative expression and movement, followed by creative visual expression as an extension of inner alchemic processes and the Way of Oneness Within™. I will bring any necessary supplies for visual expression practice. If you have or want your own special brush or tool, of course you’re free to use it, but it is not necessary.
The day retreat will end at 4. It is ideal to plan for rest, journaling, and inward focus afterward. Feel into this for yourself. Please note that while there is a tentative schedule for the day, we will also be in flow, which doesn’t adhere to schedules. :) If one of these inner alchemy explorations goes longer, another may be shorter or not occur, though I suspect Spirit will play along!
Energetic exchange for this 1:1 Inner Heart Star Alchemy™ & Divine Expression Private Day Retreat is $1695. If this feels aligned and lights you up, you can pay here. If it does not for any reason, there will be no offense taken. All will continue in Beauty.