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Frequency Flow™ with the Marys

Join us for an online group Frequency Flow series or a single Flow or as we gather with the Marys to receive light code and guidance for harvesting and sowing that which is ours to do.

We will meet weekly for 4 group sessions on Zoom, to offer light Illuminations, Light code for Light embodiment, updates to the Light body, and calming support. It is unique each time and is not pre-planned but instead intuitively designed to offer streams of Light and energetic support for everyone where they’re at.

60 minutes Transmission, 15 minutes integrate & share. Please mark your calendars and bookmark log in info (provided in the payment confirmation email). *Reminders are not sent.

Beginning Wednesday, 11/6, 11AM-12PM AZ Time. AZ does not observe daylight savings. Clocks just changed in most places. Please go to HERE for time conversions. If you can’t make it at that time, no worries! It is recorded and the audio recording and link to the video is sent to all participants within 24 hours.


Wednesday 11/6

Wednesday, 11/13

Wednesday 11/20

Wednesday 11/27

There's much support for the embodiment process, for trusting your own inner guidance, more comfort in expansions, recharge & recalibration. There are always transmissions from the Collectives of Light. These are powerful updates and are specific to who participates now and in the so called future. I look forward to being with you in the Field! All are welcome. Everyone who registers prior to the event receives the audio recording & link to the video within 24 hrs.

If you’re new to these Frequency Flow™ gatherings, it is a combination of English and LoveLight language. The ways in which the frequencies and healing streams are offered are rebalancing and allow for more ease in reorganization and integration. There is always support for the nervous system to regulate.

Entrain with high frequencies, soothe the nervous system, receive updated light support. These are 60 minute spiritual/energetic expansion events where we gather in a community of non-judgement with time afterward for optional sharing or questions. All are welcome.

Feel more balanced, relaxed, recharged, re-calibrated, and peaceful while receiving updated Light codes pertinent to personal and planetary shifts.

I look forward to being with you in the Field! Brightest Blessings from my Heart Star space to yours, Amala✨🔷✨

Beginning Wednesday, 11/6, 11AM-12PM AZ Time. AZ does not observe daylight savings. Clocks just changed in most places. Please go to HERE for time conversions. If you can’t make it at that time, no worries! It is recorded and the audio recording and link to the video is sent to all participants within 24 hours.

All times are AZ Time (currently the same as Pacific). AZ does not follow Daylight Savings Time. If you can’t attend at that time, no worries! It is recorded and sent to all registrants. For time conversion, go to If you are registering after the series has started, please allow up to 72 hours (business days) to receive the recordings from prior sessions. There are no refunds. Thank you for your support.

Earlier Event: November 13
Frequency Flow™ with the Marys