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Krystal Clear Masterclass for Energetic Boundaries & Maintenance

We are offering Foundational practices and concepts for keeping your energy Field purely you. This is a foundational energetic boundary class and is ideal for daily maintenance practice supporting more advanced alchemy work. This foundation supports wellness and re-individuation.

This is for you if:

  • you want additional ways of approaching purification and wellness in your energetic systems, which inform all else.

  • you are desiring to have more freedom from the pitfalls of empathy. (If you pick up energy of others, are overwrought with emotions from the traumatic experiences of others.)

  • you are a highly sensitive person

  • you are a starseed and are most comfortable with your energy out to the cosmos

  • you are on an ascension path

  • generational patterns are showing up in your life/body

  • you want to learn more about the energy systems

  • other people seem to disregard or disrespect your boundaries

  • you are having multidimensional/metaphysical experiences and are traveling between realms

There will be:

  • Sound Field™ work (Crystal singing Bowls & Light language) for integration, illumination, activation of updated Crystalline Ways, and ease and repatterning for the nervous system.

  • guided meditations/processes, practices for balance, stability, and cleansing to practice coming home to your pure, unique essence without the complications that arise from carrying the energy of others.

  • group “clearing”/purification and continual entrainment potentials.

  • support in community with like-hearted people. Time for Q&A/share afterward.

  • Descriptions of the energy boundary work and how it relates to the body & the nonphysical.

I stay in Flow in the Field, so this framework may expand or shift in some ways, yet the following is the beginning format:

Module 1) energetic and physical boundaries, re-individuation

Module 2) Integrity, intention, & having a practice to come home to stillness/center and co-create within (ability to be in deep meditation), sound work, entrainment

Module 3) accessing and practicing being in your center while connected to the Infinite Oneness, tending to the empathic nature

Module 4) guided process for getting acquainted with and co-creating within your Field (which includes boundaries)

Module 5) more practices for further energetic maintenance, stability, and centering

Module 6) participatory practice, habit stacking discussion, Light code to support further development & integration

Dates and times for live modules (all will be recorded and available to registrants within 24 hours of the live Field):

Thursday, February 6th 11am-12pm with 15 minutes afterward for questions or sharing

Thursday, February 13th 11am-12pm with 15 minutes afterward for questions or sharing

Thursday, February 20th 11am-12pm with 15 minutes afterward for questions or sharing

Thursday, February 27th 11am-12pm with 15 minutes afterward for questions or sharing

Thursday, March 6th 11am-12pm with 15 minutes afterward for questions or sharing

Saturday, March 8th 11am-12pm with 15 minutes afterward for questions or sharing

Please note: this masterclass is not the same as psychic self defense. We will be offering more in depth levels of energetic work for that purpose, yet this foundational masterclass is the stable base for the next levels of those ways. Stay tuned. Foundation first. Suitable for all who desire to experience themselves in a new way, learn to distinguish between energetic boundaries, and entrain with a pure Field of Infinite Love in Oneness. Even those who are adept with energy work will receive in new ways. It will be an honor to be with you in this Way.

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