I’m delighted and honored to offer the fourth Illumination Sequence in the Year of the Dragon series, the Divine reUNION. This is about working with, activating (igniting from dormancy), and bringing into UNION aspects of self and Infinite Union WITHIN to open into or amplify the Ways of Infinite Creation. We will be co-creating online (join from anywhere) for two months (8 weeks).
It is within these co-created Fields where the speeds of our body, the planetary body, and the cosmic body we relate to come into a coherence and more felt experience of sound and light waves and additional dimensional possibilities can be experienced as a felt sense.
Self capital S and self lowercase. Shadow and Light. Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine. Human expression and God/Goddess felt experience of Infinite AS a UNIFIED expression of Oneness/UNION/Unity Consciousness. It is not instantaneous. Yet all processes are supported. We will be receiving from and we will be in coherence with the Cosmic Creation space with Cosmic Mother throughout the entirety of this program. The bonuses will also be within this Field for optimal potentials.
This offering includes a lot of Light Language Transmissions and Light activations to reignite the consciousness frequency connections within you, in addition to the divine light body Illuminations to reopen and expand the natural energetic, multidimensional ways of you IN A FIELD OF UNION/UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. There is a consistent entrainment between individuated Field and highest planetary Field WITHIN a Frequency Field of Cosmic Mother Ways, which allows all parts of ourselves to experience the wave form Ways and a sense of Oneness and co-creation as experience.
We focus on the acclimatization, implementation, integration, and continued cultivation of the reUNION Ways, meaning the ways in which our organic nature has been separated and now we are re-membering and reuniting parts of ourselves. We are coming into UNION with organic Unity Consciousness as a sequence of ascension processes, and we will be practicing the cultivation of that Way of BEing. Firstly, we offer copious amounts of Light activations (lighting up dormant codes within to turn on and be accessible with awareness), LoveLight language (for uniting spirit and matter, along with healing streams and light body updates for next steps), group energy healing, and many processes beyond words and concepts, inviting the mind into this coherent Frequency Field™. We also consciously work with any spaces of unworthiness or inner child wounding as well, in order to allow for more ability to allow full expression and healing for those parts that may still be active. We work with the Golden Shadow (the bright, shining, talented, gifted, strong, resilient, creative parts of ourselves that have been suppressed, unclaimed, made smaller, or kept dormant in an attempt to keep other people comfortable with us. It’s time to honor those parts of self and bring them into UNION and play with allowing space for the brightest parts to shine!
We co-create with the Dragon Consciousnesses, with the Rose Lines™, with Christos/Krysted/Crystalline Sophia Consciousness, and with the entirety of the Collectives of Light™ (including Intergalactic, ascended master, and multiversal consciousnesses, AND YOU) via on demand audio recordings you can download to keep and listen at your own pace! Links to watch the videos are also available for a limited time. 8 modules with a bonus integration recording for a total of 9 recordings.
The program is infused with specific frequencies that are NEW to the Earth’s Field, meaning it's new to be able to bring them here to be accessed. These frequencies assist in moving into the HIGH HEART STAR™ space, and activating any dormant divine ways of self there or expanding what is already active. Whether conscious of it or not, many starseed conduits will be beginning to work with these frequencies. The frequencies are a combination of sound and light ways from Andromeda, the Aurora Principles, the Sophianic Christos (Crystalline) Ways, and the Solar Rishi Ways. This is appropriate for anyone who feels guided to join us in the Field, with an additional invitation for those practitioners who are desiring next steps for their own Light Body expansion who are in roles of service as this is advanced light work. This is appropriate for holistic practitioners opening to and expanding their own unique gifts, and all beings who desire to function from and in the heart space and increase their intuitive trust in themselves. It is a time to receive, enliven, and bring into REUNION these Ways within.
Feel calmer, more regulated, inspired, and celebrated. I work as a conduit so exactly how this unfolds is not linear. All offerings honor free will, meaning that what you receive and re-member is a choice at all times.
What you will receive in the Year of the Dragon, the reUNION:
Two months (8 weeks) together in the UNION Field via on-demand recordings
Downloadable audio recordings of all group sessions you can keep for personal use forever and a link to watch the video that will be available for 60 days
Receive NEW frequencies that are newly available/accessible here as a consistent coherent Field during our time together
Work with the Golden Shadow of self (unclaimed or disowned strengths, creative potential, and brightest light)
Work with any Inner Child and/or Unworthiness aspects that may still be active in order to allow for more potential for reUNION.
Receive continuous processes for activating and expanding the High Heart Star, which increases multidimensional abilities and experiences, in addition to an increase in capacity for being in Zero Point and Heart Coherence
Crystalline Light activations to light up and/or expand your energy body/light body
Dragon consciousness light ways ignited and activated in your systems
Receive from the Sophianic Dragons™, Arcturian Dragons, and the Dragons of Kuan Yin
Group processes which will support the continued ignition of the dormant light ways and transformation of that which is corrupt/discordant in the personal Fields
Receive light Transmissions from the Rose Lines™, the Magdalenes, and the entirety of the Divine Feminine Collectives
Receive from the entirety of the Collectives of Light™ including but not limited to: ascended masters such as Universal Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin, Yeshua/Sananda, White Tara …, galactic consciousness collectives such as Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian, Venusian, etc, Cosmic Mother consciousness, Infinity Consciousness™, Beyond the Beyond™, … indigenous Elders in Spirit, the Solar Rishi, Dolphin and Whale collectives, the Consciousness of the Earth Star, and YOUR OWN Infinite Wisdom
Processes to heal, connect with, activate, expand, and AMPLIFY the divine feminine/masculine ways of you as ONE with the Divine Feminine/masculine Collectives of Light and the Unified Field
Focused awareness on healing any divine feminine/masculine wounding, trauma, or imbalance energetically, restoring the most optimal divine architecture of your energetic systems
copious LoveLight Language transmissions
we work with light code for new creations, for stepping into and expressing your authentic ways, for abundance, for self acceptance, and especially, for the reUNION with the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine and the Ways of Unity Consciousness in and through you (this is beyond gender as we ALL have Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and the Union Ways™ in us, though processes to heal some wounds may specify gender at times).
we continue with Inner Sun Ways
a safe, sacred space for healing and transformation
continuous weekly light activations to assist with the embodiment process and the Solar Cosmic Ways
more balance
more harmony
more joy
increased intuition and Transmissions supporting opening of “extra’ sensory ways & experiences
greater ability to be grounded in the physical body and to expand light quotient (light embodiment)
group stabilzation processes
group energy healing every module
Crystal singing Bowl Transmissions sprinkled throughout to assist with pleasurable ease of embodiment, and joyful relaxation of the systems.
Guided processes to come into your Heart Star™ space, to be in coherence
Light weaving for Abundance, the Infinite Ways, and physical expression (the grounded ways we operate in this realm)
If not already individuated in one’s I AM presence and in the flow of Oneness, frequency support throughout the program to support the process
Work with the Sacred Flames™
Processes for your sensory pathways and nervous system
An additional group session for integration, offered as a bonus 9th recording
This is highly advanced energy/light work in sacred space (and sovereign and empowered) with potentials for more accelerated personal expansion and transformation.
Testimonials from prior programs:
“I love being connected with others and supported by Amala. There was so much offered. ”— AH
“I feel as though I stepped out of a linear timeline entirely during this experience. This has felt like such a safe, supportive, sacred container for the entire period - not just during “call” times, I felt clearly able to completely let go. And I believe my body accepted this invitation, to unravel into what I can only describe as an alchemical pool of possibility - dissolving, and reforming, over and over again. I can say with certainty, I feel entirely different than before the program began.— DW
“I feel more aware of what is outside my earthly perceptions, whether it be during meditation or being in nature or dreaming. It’s like the veil is continuing to be lifted.”— AH
“I feel more in control of my energy and what I mean by that is when I spend time with people, I feel more able to not let myself be drained so I am more stable.”— AH
“I always deeply anticipated each session…knowing I’d be with friends…surrounded by great love. It was always absolute nourishment for every aspect of myself.”— RS
“I’ve been overwhelmingly peaceful. ”— DW
“I remember always feeling influxes of great energy…especially when the rose lines are involved..I feel such deep love”— RS
“[I feel] peaceful. Beauty. Love. Forgiveness. ”— AH
“[I sensed] Such strong awarenesses of unconditional love and support! And “seeing” “everyone” as Light Beings, as though there is no longer any need to hold the guise as anything else. I feel a great sense of excitement and remembrance, and know we’re all celebrating one another.”— DW
“ I always love when the bowls call to be played. And I literally felt my heart tuned each time. This physical response was quite extraordinary and bliss-charged for me.”— DW
“It was all so intensely beautiful. [I feel] so blessed. It’s a glorious ride!!!”— RS
“[Because of the program, I noticed differences in] my peace of mind, heart and soul.”— AH
“[Because of my time in this program, I notice] I am less self-critical and feel a greater sense of calm.
I am more hopeful about the future of humanity.
I feel closer to Mother Mary. I also am more comfortable with talking to my mother who recently passed away. I feel their presence. ”— MP“I feel much more at home in my body. I have fewer aches, pains, and tension.”— MP
“[I feel] excited - ready to see what new ways I can express my Divine Presence in this human body. ”— DW
“Spiritually, I feel a slow awakening and a building trust in the unseen.”— MP
“Amala is such a gentle spirit who offers me a space to feel into my essence and to allow myself to rediscover who I AM. Everything has exactly unfolded as best for me and I know everything offered is in alignment with my highest self. I feel so seen and I feel so safe to express however I need. I can’t thank you enough!”— AH
“You are a brilliant transciever - receiving and transmitting highest-light; and you are masterful at holding sacred space! You are one of the brightest lights and most delightful gifts to grace my life.”— DW
“It is difficult to describe what occurs, but the time was always filled with joy, compassion, support, and some laughter. I felt lighthearted and at peace after each gathering.”— MP
Jose C Photography
Amala Rose is a clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant conduit, intuitive energy worker, quantum coach, and somatic practitioner who, in 2017, began consciously channeling the Collectives of Light™, in particular the Rose Lines™, and many more beings of Light who have been teaching her and assisting with the vast multidimensional remembrance and expansion occuring within her and with the Earth Star. Additionally, they were reacquainting her with her star lineages and Star Ways, utilizing light technologies in her energy work with clients. Kuan Yin, Universal Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene merged their essences with her essence temporarily and continue to do so as she facilitates processes for groups. The richly profound experience of divine unconditional Love, Peace, Oneness, Grace, Compassion, Purity of Presence™, and Infinitude was life changing. While still very human, Amala is not only the conduit for these divine frequencies and Light codes, but is a living human receptacle, emissary, and Light Weaver for the Ways of the Rose, the Rose Lines™, and the Sophianic Principles through the embodied Andromedan Light Architecture Ways. Amala has been learning directly from the masters of light and the wisdom ways since those openings years ago. She has been communing with them and learning what is necessary to comprehend through their direct teachings as they showed her through her own healing and embodiment and ascension processes, which continue.
Jose C Photography
If you’re reading this, perhaps you resonate with what is being shared. Perhaps you sense your own reflection in the frequencies offered here. In this time of great awakening, as many open who are awakening to and embodying their innate multidimensional ways and unique gifts in order to share and be light leaders/guides/stewards/architects, builders, and love ambassadors, this is a potent time of recalibration and expansion of the processes whereby the Infinite Self can be reunited with. In Love, In Peace, In Harmony, and in Resonance with the Crystalline Codes that we hold and that we are. Honored and consistently in awe of the potentials possible through co-creation with the divine principles and beings of Light, in particular the Rose Lines™, supportive galactic spaces, and crystalline Cosmic Creation spaces, Amala stewards and refines the human expression of these pristine Light streams as the divine feminine, divine masculine, and divine Union Rose Line™ Ways are transmitted and expressed through her. She is overjoyed to offer this Rose Lines™ Year of the Dragon program, which will add to those programs and courses she has channeled prior, each adding new layers and new multidimensional transitional and transformational experiences. Amala is looking forward to the group that will gather live and in the replays for this program for this co-creation with the divine beings of Light, which also includes you in your divinity as you choose to allow the divine nature of self to be more embodied. She can’t wait to be in the Field with you!
Due to the nature of this work, the time, devotion, years of practice and cultivation, and immense personal energetic preparation, there will not be any refunds for any reason. If you’re unfamiliar with our work, you can explore live Frequency Flows™ (check the events calendar) and/or some free videos here to get a general feel for some of the ways frequencies come through me: https://vimeo.com/amalaalchemy
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