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Sacred Sound Field™

Sacred Sound Fields™ are more than relaxing sound baths. They are that. Yet these are more. Amala co-creates the Light Field, which is a sacred container, a Field within a Field, allowing for all that streams in for participants to be held and accessed by each individual’s Higher Self. Be present within a space of crystalline consciousness streams.
LoveLight language flows through Amala while she plays crystal singing Bowls. There is a guided meditative process as well. Soothe the nervous system, enter into a deep, meditative state, receive balanced, high frequency sound waves to support the body in entraining with peace. What is co-created is a conscious, dynamic, illuminated, Light grid space that Amala holds in order for others to access what their soul is asking for in a relaxing, beautiful, easy way.

Jose C Photography

Attending in person is a rich experience. It would be an honor to have you present in the Field. Please bring a yoga mat, cushion, or chair, blanket, pillow (or whatever you’d like to be comfortable), and water with you. This will be outdoors so plan accordingly. There is a restroom.

Registration online here is required. Thank you for understanding.
Location: Brandi Fenton Park in the memorial garden at the visitor’s center. 3482 E River Road
Tucson, Arizona 85718. This is a substance free event.