Join us in devotional, sacred space to receive Light Code Transmissions and Activations from The Rose Lines, Cosmic Mother Consciousness, and the Solar Rishi in order to practice embracing Infinite Love and BEing Infinite Love.
We will gather for 75 minutes every week for 8 weeks/TWO MONTHS which includes a bonus Transmission/Group Session. This is advanced Light work. There are copious LoveLight language activations and group immersion in the expanded frequency spaces of Infinite Love.
Most people have not yet experienced limitless, UNCONDITIONAL, potent, expansive, INFINITE Love, that which is beyond any human love we've ever felt. Of course the point is to experience all of the expansions through the expression of our humanness. This program will be offering the frequencies of Infinite Love that is now available for all on the planet in a sacred Field and for a 2 month period of time. It feels important to offer this prior to 2024, which is why I'm doing it now. Our bonus session will be 12/29! The time is now to elevate, add, and express through these limitless, Cosmic, Solar ways of INFINITE LOVE AS SELF here in this now.
First, we need to discern and access, then we practice receiving, holding, embodying, and being. That's the process for most ways of expansion.
Many of us have experienced wounding with regard to love in relationships (romantic, friendship, and familial) which may have us feeling closed off to new love experiences or operating from a less expanded space of love. As we commune with these parts of our human self, free from judgement, while communing with our expansive God Self AT THE SAME TIME, more healing and more opening is possible. We will be doing inner child and wounded heart work together in addition to receiving Infinite Love Light activations, Light codes, and immersion in these coherent spaces.
Unique light processes and multi-dimensional ways of bridging our body, mind, emotional body, and energetic body for new levels of healing
Entrain with cosmic consciousness, Rose Way frequencies, and the frequencies of your God Self for 8 weeks, assisting the body in becoming comfortable with new levels of Light
Receive from the Rose Lines and the Magdalenes
copious LoveLight language activations interspersed with English to activate or expand your remembrance, light body, and processes
the experience of being in spaces of nonjudgement, peace, freedom, love, compassion, harmony, and fluid Light flow
Light processes for working with wounded parts of self, particularly with heart and love wounds (such as betrayal, abandonment, loss, etc) and inner child wounds in new ways, at new levels
Group stabilization and somatic work to assist these energetic processes for release, re-patterning, and integration, working in ways that support nervous system regulation
Ethereal DNA activations
Reconstruction potentials for all levels of Self
Support from Light Ways and Collectives in higher realms
And more I cannot know as this will be channeled. Participants in prior programs have had transformational experiences
This is continued restoration and expansion work. And working with the heart space and emotional landscape is a necessary component of any growth process. Come home to Self in new ways. Experience a strong sense of lasting peace you can then return to easier. Feel the weightless, limitless, most expansive version of you--your divinity--and expand the levels of embodiment, bringing that light of self into your human form, into this reality and daily life experience. Enter into the brightness of BEing, sustaining the feelings of peace, joy, contentment, and pure beingness each time we go there together. Release that which no longer feels aligned or joyful. Enter into guided processes and practices which assist the nervous system in re-patterning fight or flight responses to stress, feeling calmer, more stabilized, more centered, more clear, and more open as you build your capacity over time.
This is both a healing experience and a transformative catalyst for expansion and finding the freedom spaces for that which you’re wanting to bring into form, even if it’s not conscious yet. This is a channeled, multi-dimensional, multi-versal experience and Transmission. We will also have guided meditations in preparation for the work and to calm the systems from times of stress and compression.
We will be exploring dimensions of expansionary spaces, where freedom lives, and inviting and welcoming higher aspects of self into our human experience.
Sink into the richness of the sound waves of crystal singing Bowls, who support relaxation and a depth of ease into the flow of Oneness with the simplicity of beautiful sound. Former participants have said this part of programs creates a bliss state and a tangible feeling of the heart literally being tuned. The singing Bowls help with integration of all of the energy work without needing to do anything except listen and receive.
Feel a tangible sense of relaxing safety, belonging, love, grace, peace, joy, and welcoming as we commune with the Magdalene's and the entirety of the Rose LInes, the lineage of the the Rose that you are part of (or you likely wouldn't be drawn to this program), Cosmic Mother Consciousness, and Solar Rishi, receiving living light code, etheric DNA updates, frequencies from the star ways specific to the Blue Star Rose lines. We are all unique expressions of light in human form. In this program and with the Rose Lines and the Collectives of Light, you are honored and accepted in your totality, including your humanness.
I'm so excited to begin! Each program builds on the last, yet it's not necessary to participate in them in any special order.
Add depth of experience and expanded personal growth with 4 Weekly Deep Dive Private Sessions which will be specific to the frequencies and intention of this program, in addition to the program. All private sessions take into account where a person is at on their journey of consious evolutionary expansion. These private sessions are longer and are highly specific to what we are working on/co-creating in the program. So, we will be diving deeper with the Rose Ways, Cosmic Mother Consciousness, the Solar Cosmic Self, and Solar Rishi frequencies within the context of your Self and your unique essence.
We will meet each week for 1.5 hours on Zoom where we will explore what is asking for movement or attention in order to support Heart/Love processes. The sessions must be completed by the last date of the program. These will be the last deep dive sessions offered before 2024.
11/8 1-2:15PM AZ Time
11/15 1-2:15PM AZ Time
11/22 1-2:15PM AZ Time
11/29 1-2:15PM AZ Time
12/6 1-2:15PM AZ Time
12/13 1-2:15PM AZ Time
12/20 1-2:15PM AZ Time
12/29 BONUS SESSION 1-2:15PM AZ Time
Please note: If you’re experiencing concerning symptoms or have been diagnosed with a psychiatric or medical condition, please consult with a licensed professional.