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Full Moon Spring Equinox Group Light Communion™

This weekend, we observe Ostara/Spring Equinox. It's traditionally celebrated as a time of rebirth as well as balance. Night and day are equal length, which is symbolic of the union and balance between darkness and light, masculine and feminine, action and rest.

Join us as we commune with our higher selves and the Collectives of Light on Friday for a powerful online group Light Communion™ to assist with BALANCE, to calm the body (especially any possible light embodiment symptoms and over-reactivity of systems from absorbing collective stress), to realign with your higher self, and to receive activations for updating your light body (the light architecture we ALL have).

At the end of the Light Communions, people regularly report feeling more centered, balanced, grounded, supported, calm, peaceful and hopeful. Some experience an activation or expansion of their innate sensory gifts. For me, communing with Spirit every day was a life saver and a tremendous acceleration for spiritual expansion, which is why I offer it.

A Zoom link for joining live is automatically sent with the confirmation email. If you don’t receive it for some reason, please get in touch ( the Light Communion will be recorded and the replay is sent to all participants. Please note that AZ doesn't observe daylight savings. Go to for time conversions. The audio recording and link to the video replay will be sent within 24 hours. There are no refunds.