Amala Rose | Quantum Energy Healer, Somatic Arts Therapy, Sound Healer

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Beauty as a Meeting Space, Catalyst, & Heart Softener

Beauty is universal. Every person resonates with beauty. Unless there is a desire not to, or a different experience must be had for growth, every person’s heart has the ability to resonate with beauty. Let us start there. Meet there. Play there. The heart naturally opens into that space of awe, wonder, and coherence when observing or being with beauty. Whether it’s a painting, a beautiful photograph of a flower, or being under a tree canopy and noticing the light and the sound of the leaves in a gentle breeze, or ocean waves, or the stars sparking in a dark sky—these are the ways of resonance and coherence, where more becomes possible as all realigns and the heart softens to the subtleties of experience.