Amala Rose | Quantum Energy Healer, Somatic Arts Therapy, Sound Healer

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Solstice Eclipse Group Light Communion

Amala Rose

Our Solstice Eclipse Light Communion was powerful.  Some of what took place for accessing now is the following:

  • opening of personal star portals

  • expanding and cleaning the pineal gland

  • bringing each individual into their Diamond travel body

  • release of personal and collective energies not in the highest good

  • Spirit surgeons and I released dark, entrenched, intruding energies which I typically only do in private sessions

  • crystalline natures activated in new ways

  • bringing information and code from galactic regions to each individual’s crystalline aspects and grounding in the physical

  • Blue Star & Pleiadian aspect amplification and remembrances

  • big throat chakra clearing

  • entraining with the pulsing of Solaris

  • expanding Zero Point/the Intersecting Space

  • bringing in the Rainbow Gold Light and plasmic light for all

  • Sirian Lions, Arcturians, Lyrans, Universal Mother Mary, and all other Collectives of Light

  • Light language to seed into the physical so that one may choose to be living cosmically in daily life

  • dis-cording

  • complete reset potentials while entering the eclipse energies fully in Diamond Light travel bodies into the ring of fire

  • entering the galactic Akash of you

  • White Rose Blessings

  • new movement of Divine DNA

  • Codes for freedom

  • potential to choose to live with more freedom without attachments

  • cellular lining Divine DNA

  • support and protection

  • Violet Ray, Violet Flame, Archangel Metatron

  • Galactic and Central Sun alignments

  • Rose Line remembrances

  • and more

All time is now.  If you'd like to participate and receive all that the eclipse energies and Collectives had to share via the replay, you can do so here:  

Amala Rose

Copyright Amala Alchemy 2020. All consciously channeled material copyright Amala 2019. You are welcome to share if you keep the Transmission in its entirety, link to this site, and attribute it to Amala Rose. Thank you.