Amala Rose | Quantum Energy Healer, Somatic Arts Therapy, Sound Healer

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The Seed of the Sovereign Self with LoveLight Language

We are ALL seeds of awareness that are one with All That Is/Source Creation/God, it is simply a matter of whether or not a person has the awareness that they ARE the awareness and reclaims their ability to be sovereign and to begin making changes and creating HERE from new realms/dimensions/possibilities. It is all *additional* to what is already here. And it is a practice. May we all see each other and every other living being as beautiful seeds of awareness that are in a gradiant of experience, all informing the whole, rather than more separation of us/them, right/wrong, etc. These intentional separation ways are not real but the EXPERIENCE can be very real. We are all seeds. Some are actively exploring growth. Actually all are but in very different/unique ways. (Even those desiring to remain in the tightness of the limiting space, which will still have a growth of experience in some way.) It is a process that must be from within. All that the seed has within is all that it needs to become the tree or the flower or an awareness and experience of oneness. One can try to force it, but it will never be the bloom or the tree or the forest or the planet it can be with sovereign choices in conjunction with that magical composition of elements and timing that combines to elicit the emerged sprouting/cracking open from which all will become more.

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ~Lao Tzu