Amala Rose | Quantum Energy Healer, Somatic Arts Therapy, Sound Healer

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July 2020 Energy Support Transmission

Dear Lights,

The eclipse energies have been strong, bringing codes of freedom, etheric DNA activity, Rainbow Gold and Plasmic Light streams, the potential for a personal reset, and a personal and collective reordering.  From the reordering of priorities to the reordering of etheric DNA and all in between.  The word I keep hearing is reordering.  During this powerful time of change, transition, and expansion, what will you be calling into creation?

In my life, I’m choosing to create more consistency and routine/rhythm in order to reorder time, in order to make space for the channeled books and paintings and other creations waiting to share expressed space with me again.  I’m declaring that I AM the consistent and natural rhythm of creation.

I choose to continue to amplify the Light I am and to continue receiving and grounding ALL of the streams of Light code and DNA expansions here for me in every now moment.  I AM ALL THAT I AM.

What are you choosing to create more of in your life?  Do you want more harmony or balance or joy or love or self compassion or …?  You may begin creating by stating:  I AM love in motion.  Or I AM Light in motion.  Or I AM harmony in human form.

Fill in the blank here:  I AM __________________.  It is so. And so it is. It is done.

This is a time of not only reordering, but reclaiming.  Reclaim your own power.  Reclaim your own gifts.  Reclaim your own creationist potentials.

The Light language and crystal bowl Transmission for the month of July has much in it, with specific support for the reordering, reclaiming, grounding, releasing, and receiving that is occurring en masse now. There was opening/expansion in the Heart, throat, and crown chakras, with balancing and connecting to the crystalline core of New Earth (5th dimensional awareness and above), new spin rates for the chakras and especially the Heart Stars (with personal choice), connection with the Blue Star Rays, all Rose Lines, and much more.  You can access it here: 

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July 2020 Energy Support Amala Rose

I'd love to hear what you feel as you listen!  If you'd like to share, comment below.

May your July be filled with beautiful resets and reclamations!

Brightest Blessings from my Heart Star space to yours,

Amala White Star Rose✨🔷✨

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